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Chapter 1 If not YOU…..Who????. EMS-Emergency Medical Services/Systems A network of community resources and medical personnel that provides emergency.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 If not YOU…..Who????. EMS-Emergency Medical Services/Systems A network of community resources and medical personnel that provides emergency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 If not YOU…..Who????

2 EMS-Emergency Medical Services/Systems A network of community resources and medical personnel that provides emergency care to victims with injury or sudden illness.

3 EMS System has 6 links 1. Citizen responder-most crucial link. Someone who recognizes an emergency exists and decides to help.

4 2. EMS Dispatcher/Personnel Works in the emergency communications center to get help and give caller instructions.

5 3. First Responder First trained professional who arrives on the scene.

6 4-6. Emergency Medical Technicians Trained medical professionals who go to an emergency situation and use their skills to assist the injured. 4. Basic-assesses conditions and cares for life- threatening and non-life threatening emergencies. 5. Intermediate-administer medications and IVs 6. Paramedics-the above + airway care

7 Your role in the EMS System 1. Recognize an emergency exists 2. Deciding to act 3. Call EMS 4. Providing care/first aid

8 Common indicators of an emergency 1.Unusual noises What are others?

9 2. Unusual Sights

10 3.Unusual Odors

11 4. Appearance and behavior

12 Barriers of Action 1. Presence of bystanders 2. Uncertainty about victim 3. Nature of injury 4. Fear of disease 5. Fear of not knowing what to do

13 Good Samaritan Law Laws protect people who willingly give first aid without accepting anything in return.

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