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WOMEN AND RELIGION 53-106 Scott Cowan Dr. Heidi LM Jacobs

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1 WOMEN AND RELIGION 53-106 Scott Cowan Dr. Heidi LM Jacobs

2 GOALS Know your librarian Have a basic understanding of research resources available Get a good start to your assignment Strap in and hold on!!



5 SOME SOURCES OF INFORMATION Critical Essays Reference Works Monographs Scholarly articles Contextual Studies Biographical studies

6 MONOGRAPHS “A scholarly book or treatise on a single subject, complete in one physical piece, usually written by a specialist in the field.” Comprehensive, covers many aspects of a topic Written by experts, edited by publishers Can take years to research, write, and publish

7 SCHOLARLY ARTICLES A self-contained nonfiction prose composition on a fairly narrow topic or subject, written by one or more scholars and published under a separate title in a collection or periodical containing other works of the same form.

8 SCHOLARLY ARTICLES Advantages Written by and for experts and scholars Often very specific and detailed Disadvantages Sometimes too specific for an overall picture of a particular topic

9 WHAT IS A REFERENCE WORK? A book [or electronic resource] designed to be consulted when authoritative information is needed, rather than read cover to cover

10 REFERENCE WORKS Excellent for context Excellent for tiny details Basic factual information Often written by top scholars in the field Almost always have suggested readings Incredibly useful Often provide excellent starting or middle places Examples: Guides, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries/Glossaries, Handbooks, Companions


12 WIKIPEDIA – GOOD OR EVIL?? Who wrote it? Can report incorrect information (has a history of reporting wrong deaths/information Can be biased


14 Names Other Spellings Dates Places Synonyms Vocabulary Concepts Descriptions IT’S ALL ABOUT THE SEARCH TERMS

15 SEARCH HINTS  AND OR NOT  Truncations (*) finds all forms of a word  Example: econom * will find economy, economics, economical, etc.  Wild Cards (?, $)  Wom ? n will find woman, women  Behavio?r will also find behaviour  Phrase Searches  Use with two or more words in an exact order  Example: “World Series,” “Civil War”

16 ArticlesReferenceCatalogue

17 ASSIGNMENT – WOMEN & RELIGION “a wise woman whose life or work holds an honoured place in the field of women and religion.” A photograph or artistic rendering A brief biography Contributions to religious tradition Feminist analysis of her position Addressing the question “Does this woman occupy an empowered or oppressed position in history?” OR “Was/is this woman’s life expanded or restricted as a result of her religious commitments?”

18 ArticlesReference Catalogue



21 Articles Reference Catalogue

22 One of Two



25 ASSIGNMENT – WOMEN & RELIGION “a wise woman whose life or work holds an honoured place in the field of women and religion.” A photograph or artistic rendering A brief biography Contributions to religious tradition Feminist analysis of her position Addressing the question “Does this woman occupy an empowered or oppressed position in history?” OR “Was/is this woman’s life expanded or restricted as a result of her religious commitments?”

26 Two of Two

27 Articles ReferenceCatalogue




31 ASSIGNMENT – WOMEN & RELIGION “a wise woman whose life or work holds an honoured place in the field of women and religion.” A photograph or artistic rendering A brief biography Contributions to religious tradition Feminist analysis of her position Addressing the question “Does this woman occupy an empowered or oppressed position in history?” OR “Was/is this woman’s life expanded or restricted as a result of her religious commitments?”


33 ASSIGNMENT – WOMEN & RELIGION “a wise woman whose life or work holds an honoured place in the field of women and religion.” A photograph or artistic rendering A brief biography Contributions to religious tradition Feminist analysis of her position Addressing the question “Does this woman occupy an empowered or oppressed position in history?” OR “Was/is this woman’s life expanded or restricted as a result of her religious commitments?”

34 DEAD ENDS? Different Terms? Different resources? Different approach? Reword question? Broaden question? Narrow focus? Different source? Different database?

35 Thank You! Scott Cowan Dr. Heidi LM Jacobs Ext 3856 or

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