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The New Nation Read Chpt 5 Sec 1-3. New Government Thomas Jefferson (TJ): One of his concerns was religious freedom. TJ worked to create the Virginia.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Nation Read Chpt 5 Sec 1-3. New Government Thomas Jefferson (TJ): One of his concerns was religious freedom. TJ worked to create the Virginia."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Nation Read Chpt 5 Sec 1-3

2 New Government Thomas Jefferson (TJ): One of his concerns was religious freedom. TJ worked to create the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. This document declared that no person could be forced to attend a particular church or be required to pay a church with tax money.

3 Articles of Confederation (AOC) AOC 1777, the document that created the first national government for the United States. Under the AOC Congress would become the single branch of government but would have limited powers in order to protect the liberties of the people. Second Continental Congress passed the AOC and then sent it to each of the 13 colonies for RATIFICATION.

4 Articles of Confederation (AOC) Discuss with your shoulder buddy what you think RATIFICATION means. Ratification: Official Approval

5 Articles of Confederation (AOC) AOC allowed the newly created central government to: Set up a congress where each state had one vote. Could settle arguments amongst the states. Mint coins. Borrow money. Make treaties with other countries as well as Native Americans. Congress could also ask states for money and soldiers however the states were allowed to refuse such a request. This made it difficult for the congress to protect against foreign threats.

6 Articles of Confederation (AOC) Turn to your shoulder buddy and discuss what you think a constitution is AND what you think should be in one. Constitution: A set of basic principles and laws that states the powers and duties of the government

7 Articles of Confederation (AOC) Constitutional Convention of 1787: Each state was invited to send a representative to the Convention in Philadelphia. The goal was to improve the AOC. Federalism –  Sharing power between central government and states

8 FRQ How did the Articles of Confederation work to establish the first national government of the USA?  Include a thesis statement  Use two arguments  Use two pieces of supporting evidence

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