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By Prof. Ben Kiregyera AfDB Senior Consultant 15 October 2013 Reference Regional Strategic Framework for Statistical Capacity Building in Africa (RSSF)

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Presentation on theme: "By Prof. Ben Kiregyera AfDB Senior Consultant 15 October 2013 Reference Regional Strategic Framework for Statistical Capacity Building in Africa (RSSF)"— Presentation transcript:

1 by Prof. Ben Kiregyera AfDB Senior Consultant 15 October 2013 Reference Regional Strategic Framework for Statistical Capacity Building in Africa (RSSF) Broad Overview

2 2 Contents I. Challenges for statistics II. Opportunities for Statistics III. RRSF & NSDS

3 3 I. Challenges for statistics

4 4 IV “Virtuous Circle countries” Low Demand High Demand Good Quality II “Data Supply-constrained countries” I “Vicious Circle countries” III “Data Demand- constrained countries” Poor Quality  Many countries caught in “vicious cycle” of statistical under- development and under-performance

5 5 5

6 6 Example: Demand for data on poverty 6 Planners Policy makers Decision-makers Managers Others (NGOs, donors, etc)   Profile of the poor who are the poor? where are they? how many are they? what is severity of poverty?  Causes of poverty factors that cause poverty relations among the factors  Which policy, strategy or decision? alternatives  Changes in levels/depth of poverty (track progress - monitoring)  Are policies/actions having effect? (impact)

7 7 II. Opportunities for statistics

8 8 1.Addis Ababa Plan of Action for Statistical Development in the 1990s (AAPA)  Statistical decline in Africa in 1970s and 1980s  AAPA endorsed by African Ministers responsible for Planning in 1992  Objectives reverse decline in statistical production lay a firmer basis for development of statistics in Africa  Recommended actions include “African Statistics Day” celebrations, 18 Nov. strategic planning, now NSDS  Inspired establishment of PARIS21

9 9 2. Establishment of PARIS21 consortium  established in 1999 in Paris  brings together statisticians, planners, policy makers, development partners interested in statistical development  at the cutting - edge of: advocacy at all levels for:  evidence-based policy and decision- making  investment in statistical development promoting design and implementation of NSDS promoting general statistical development

10 10 3. Managing for development results or results agenda Has evolved (since 2002) as a global effort among both national governments and development agencies to:  reduce poverty (headline MDG goal)  support sustainable and equitable economic growth  better define and systematically measure development outcomes  report on achievements of outcomes and impact of polices and programmes

11 11 4. Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics (MAPS)  Endorsed at 2 nd Roundtable on Managing for Results (2004)  Objective: “to improve national and international statistics to meet the measurement challenges without which baselines cannot be established and progress cannot be measured”  6 action points Mainstream strategic planning of statistical systems (National Strategy for the Development of Statistics – NSDS) Prepare for the 2010 population census round Increase investment in statistics, etc.

12 12 III. RRSF

13 13 Why a New Framework? New development frameworks (PRSP’s, National development plans, NEPAD, MDG’s, etc.) created new data demand Countries’ strong commitments towards managing for development results Strong need for a statistical renaissance Statistical needs Addis Ababa Plan of Action for Statistical Development in Africa in 1990s (AAPA) did not succeed in improving the Statistical Systems in Africa (1990s lost decade) Learned lessons from AAPA Meet data challenges of the results agenda by 2015 Target

14 14 Reference Regional Strategic Framework for Statistical Capacity Building in Africa (RRSF) Developed & endorsed in 2006 by DGs of NSOs & development partners Endorsed in 2007 by the Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic and Development Reference Regional Strategic Framework for Statistical Capacity Building (RRSF)

15 15 Objectives of the RRSF (2006) Overall Objective  To contribute to improved development outcomes and good governance by strengthening national statistical systems in Africa. Specific Objectives  Raising Societal Awareness of the Role of Statistical Information  Increasing User Satisfaction by Enhancing the Quality and Usability of Statistical Information  Promoting Greater Use of Statistical Information  Achieving Synergy, Cost-Effectiveness, and Sustainability in National Statistical Systems

16 16 The overall strategy to achieve this objective is for countries to develop an National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) based on the principles developed by PARIS21 and partners. Overall strategy

17 17 Some outcomes  improved statistical advocacy at all levels ( e.g. statistical autonomy, improved infrastructure for statistics at country level, African Charter on Statistics)  stronger statistical functions at AfDB, UNECA, AU  greater coordination, collaboration & partnerships (coordination structures at country level, at continental level unprecedented partnerships between AU, AfDB & UNECA)  design and implementation of NSDS in many countries (improved capacity, better data, etc)

18 18 RRSF Implementation: 3 Levels  Through National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) National Level Regional Level  Undertake “peer review” of country national statistical systems Continental Level  AfDB & UNECA: leadership and co- ordination  AU: strong advocacy role - African Charter on Statistics - SHaSA

19 19 Statistical principles and frameworks International National Continental /Sub (EAC)- un African Charter on Statistics MAPS RRSF (SHaSA) NSDS UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics International National Continental REC (EAC) un African Charter on Statistics MAPS (BUSAN) RRSF (SHaSA) Dev. Plan NSDS UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics Regional Stat.

20 20 Thank You

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