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1 Bölgesel Rekabet Edebilirlik Operasyonel Programı’nın Uygulanması için Kurumsal Kapasitenin Oluşturulmasına Yönelik Teknik Yardım Technical Assistance.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Bölgesel Rekabet Edebilirlik Operasyonel Programı’nın Uygulanması için Kurumsal Kapasitenin Oluşturulmasına Yönelik Teknik Yardım Technical Assistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Bölgesel Rekabet Edebilirlik Operasyonel Programı’nın Uygulanması için Kurumsal Kapasitenin Oluşturulmasına Yönelik Teknik Yardım Technical Assistance on Institutional Building for the Implementation of RCOP in Turkey This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Monitoring and Evaluation Ankara, 15 December 2011 Laura Trofin (PhD): TAT Non-Key Expert, Monitoring and Evaluation

2 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 2 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Topics: 1.SMC reporting and meetings 2.Evaluation: main concepts, types and criteria 3.Interim Evaluations – methodologies 4.Management and ToR for evaluations

3 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 3 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Approach Useful – from training to semi-coaching “Theory” – interactive! Group Exercises – logical, in steps From formal to…useful Two “groups”: M&E and other departments – other needs

4 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 4 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Reporting to the SMC: purpose and approach to Implementation Reports

5 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 5 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey What is a report? Narrative exercise Comprises, in a concise but comprehensive format, necessary info re your programme Based on management, implementation and monitoring Analytical to a more limited extent – facts ?procedures?

6 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 6 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Why to report? Formal request or beneficial? Accountability – requirements respected by the OS (financial sound implementation, efficient, effective) Serving the decision-making process (* not SMC…) Communication tool?

7 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 7 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey IPA Implementing Regulation - OS (1) Art. 169: yearly/final sectoral implementation report to IPA NC and EC; examined by the SMC first CONTENTS: a) the quantitative and qualitative progress made in implementing the OP, PAs, Ms& (g)operations vs. targets, with a quantification - when possible, using the indicators at the appropriate level. HRD the statistics broken down by sex*;

8 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 8 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey IPA Implementing Regulation – OS (2) b) the financial implementation of the operational programme - each priority axis and measure total expenditure paid out by the final beneficiaries and included in payment applications total expenditure actually committed and paid out by the national fund (link committed budget operations - payments) total payments received from Commission c) the indicative breakdown of the allocation under the IPA Regulation, by categories

9 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 9 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey IPA Implementing Regulation – OS (3) d) the steps taken by the operating structure or the sectoral monitoring committee to ensure the quality and effectiveness of implementation, in particular: (i) the monitoring and evaluation measures, including data collection arrangements; (ii) a summary of any significant problems encountered and any subsequent measures taken; (iii) the use made of technical assistance; (e) the I&P activities; (f) progress and financing of major projects;

10 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 10 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey IPA Implementing Regulation – NIPAC Art. 61 of IPA IR: annual and final reports on the implementation of assistance under the IPA Regulation. shall synthesise the different sectoral annual reports issued under the different components and shall include information about: (a) progress made in implementing Community assistance, in relation to the priorities set up in the multi-annual indicative planning document and the different programmes; (b) financial implementation of Community assistance.

11 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 11 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey IPA regulation - EC Title III, Art. 13: Com-Parl; each year a report on the implementation of Community assistance under IPA. The report shall contain information on the: actions financed during the year and on the findings of monitoring work, and shall give an assessment of the results achieved in the implementation of the assistance

12 12 Reports structures RCOPOTHER PRGOGRAMMES NIPAC IPA REPORT EC – PARL Report OVERVIEW OF IMPLEMENTATION Quantitative progress* (by priority axis and measures) incl. physical progress* Qualitative analysis (incl. real physical progress*) Financial information (n+3) Changes in context Compliance with Com. Aquis Complementarity QUALITY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF IMPLEMENTATION Monitoring Problems TA INFORMATION AND PUBLICITY MAJOR PROJECTS OVERVIEW OF IMPLEMENTATION Achievement and analysis of the progress (physical, financial, qualitative) Compliance with Com. Law Problems Complementarity Monitoring IMPLEMENTATION BY PRIORITY Physical progress Qualitative TA INFORMATION AND PUBLICITY THE YEAR IN REVIEW Main evolutions of the enlargement process PROGRAMMING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF IPA: GENERAL OVERVIEW Strategic Planning & Programming (MIPD, Components) Implementation Modalities and Structures Overview of IPA implemented Programmes (contracting rates) MONITORING AND RESULTS Monitoring Evaluation Reporting DONORS/EIB/IFIS

13 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 13 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Group exercise 1 Structure and topics to be addressed by the AIR THINK ABOUT: Purpose of the report Target group(s) of the report Information obligatory to be reported on

14 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 14 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey TOPICS to be addressed by AIR (1) Programme context – socio-economic and institutional, which might influence, from OUTSIDE (EXTERNAL), the implementation of the programme (PD*) Financial progress: per programme, priority, measure – allocated vs. contracted and allocated vs. paid funds (by beneficiaries, by NF, by Commission) (built up from project level) (FCD) add other projects in the pipeline (preparation, programming, tender documentation preparation) – these are “further” info Physical progress: per programme, priority, measure, horizontal – targets vs. achieved values (built up from project level) (MD)

15 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 15 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey TOPICS to be addressed by AIR (2) AIR (2) Qualitative analysis – at project level - meant to present the “results” of projects, not captured by indicators – particularly important in projects with intangible results as well as good practices (to be replicated), innovative approaches/results, successful/less successful projects (risks) concise (PD) A qualitative and effective implementation Programme implementation steps: programming, feeding into the project pipeline (calls/direct negotiations/approval of OIS), contracting, project implementation (activities and financial - reporting), control, audit, monitoring, evaluation Coherence and Complementarity Major projects TA I&P Problems encountered and measures taken

16 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 16 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Sectoral Monitoring Committee

17 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 17 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey SMC – purpose and main features Overall, it should satisfy itself as to the effectiveness and quality of the implementation of the programmes and operations concerned It may make proposals to the Commission and the national IPA coordinator, with a copy to the national authorising officer, for decisions on any corrective measures to ensure the achievements of programme objectives and enhance its efficiency Reports to the IPA Monitoring Committee Mandate set out by the Commission - co-chaired by the head of the operating structure and the Commission Decisions – consensus or simple majority of the present voting members

18 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 18 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey SMC – main tasks Cover all areas of programme implementation /management – is informed, reviews, examines “will monitor especially the financial absorption capacity of the different interventions” (OP page 154) DECISION MAKING general criteria for selecting the operations Communication Action Plan ROTATIONAL PRINCIPLE it should ensure “representation and membership” institutional memory (?)

19 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 19 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey DO YOU THINK THAT THE RCOP SMC FULFILLS ITS PURPOSE AND TASKS? WHY?

20 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 20 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Findings of the RCOP IE beneficial and good for developing communication, improve coordination with the other actors involved and also exchange experience with other projects. GAPS more space for communication and exchange, e.g. at project level Improve quality of participants: senior staff, decision- making Regular participation – for the interest of the programme, not project

21 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 21 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Group exercise 2 Tasks of the RCOP SCM – an useful body for the OS. Other stakeholders?

22 IPA Funds Monitoring and Evaluation 12-16 December 2011 22 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey FOR AN EFFECTIVE RCOP SMC Membership – manageable, but still representative (regional level) Membership – capacity to deal with programme-related issues (s, dnks) Qualitative documents (comprehensive and concise, e.g. AIR) Timing Meeting preparation: pre-meetings, in groups (themes, objectives, priority axes, target group: projects vs. strategic stakeholders) Information at project level – on process, bottlenecks, solutions, results Team building and honest&substantial discussions among all stakeholders

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