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Team beFaMous Training Sponsoring VS Recruiting. Team beFaMous Training Duplication Business? Do as I say not as I do? Do I: Use my own product Sell my.

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Presentation on theme: "Team beFaMous Training Sponsoring VS Recruiting. Team beFaMous Training Duplication Business? Do as I say not as I do? Do I: Use my own product Sell my."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team beFaMous Training Sponsoring VS Recruiting

2 Team beFaMous Training Duplication Business? Do as I say not as I do? Do I: Use my own product Sell my product Attend presentations, webinars and trainings Read emails and share them with my team Regularly call my team AND MOST IMPORTANTLY - DO I TEACH THEM HOW TO DO THE SAME? 31/03/20122Gediminas Grinevicius

3 Team beFaMous Training Chinese Whispers How are you introducing people into the business? Are you using: Opportunity Meetings (London, Luton, Bedford, MK) Webinar Facility 2-on-1 Presentations with your sponsor OR ARE YOU TRYING TO REINVENT THE WHEEL? – THE PEOPLE WHO SUCCEEDED IN THIS BUSINESS ARE THE ONES THAT USED THE SYSTEM - do yourself a favour – Work Smarter – NOT Harder 31/03/2012Gediminas Grinevicius3

4 Team beFaMous Training Do you have any children? Sponsored people in Network Marketing is a bit like dealing with children: Teach them everything you know about the business (If you don’t know much yourself – then go to the training together) Be patient – don’t presume they know, make sure you explain everything clearly Be persistent – It is vital that you build relationship with your team members and inform them of all meetings, trainings and events. 31/03/2012Gediminas Grinevicius4

5 Team beFaMous Training Learning Through Experience The best way to learn anything is through seeing it and doing it: Take your team member with you when: You go to sell You do a party You have a stall You present a business You train somebody You do a 90 Day plan Each of us have different talent and can’t be expected to know everything, however, - YOU NEED TO TEACH OTHERS HOW TO DO THE SAME 31/03/2012Gediminas Grinevicius5

6 Team beFaMous Training Would YOU sign under YOU? Think what sort of impression do you give? 1.Does your prospect see you as a confident business person? 2.Does your prospect see you as excited about your business? 3.Does your prospect see a Leader that will help them to succeed in you? 4.Does your prospect see you as approachable person they can turn to when help is needed? 31/03/2012Gediminas Grinevicius6

7 Team beFaMous Training Work for or Work with? You can’t build a business FOR a person, but you should build the persons business WITH them. If you do it for them, then you will have to do it for their team members, and for their team members team members and... You get the point right? If your team members are present when their team building happens – they learn. If they learn – they can teach their team members. If they teach – THE DUPLICATION HAPPENS HURRAY! 31/03/2012Gediminas Grinevicius7

8 Team beFaMous Training Is it worth? Is it worth of going through all that hassle to teach these people and babysit them? Would it be worth to invest the time into the person if I told you that that person will bring you £3 200 every month in residual income? Diamond = £16 000 a month (Average) Diamond = 5 Pearl Orchids (or above) £16 000 ÷ 5 = £3 200 The only problem – you don’t know which person will be a Pearl Orchid in your team – BUT THEN IT WOULD JUST BE BORING, RIGHT? 31/03/2012Gediminas Grinevicius8

9 Team beFaMous Training Do you like banging your head against the wall? Learn the game – NEEDS vs. WANTS Dentist, Exercise, Taxes – people need to do things but do they want to? Finding ‘’Bob’’ – change the name How to sponsor? 1.Groups of negative people 2.Would you like to do something about it 3.What are your two biggest financial problems? 31/03/2012Gediminas Grinevicius9

10 Team beFaMous Training Month 1 You + 1 = 2 Month 2 2 + 2 = 4 Month 3 4 + 4 = 8 Month 4 8 + 8 = 16 Month 5 16 + 16 = 32 Month 6 32 + 32 = 64 Month 7 64 + 64 = 128 Month 8 128 + 128 = 256 Month 9 256 + 256 = 512 Month 10 512 + 512 = 1,024 Month 11 1024 + 1024 = 2,048 Month 12 2048 + 2048 = 4,096 4096 people X 300 points = 1 228 800 Team points!!!!!!!!!!!! 31/03/2012Gediminas Grinevicius10

11 Team beFaMous Training Informing the Tam As a Sponsor you should create a Contact List of all the people in your team or at least your first line for when you need to pass any important information. It is Sponsors responsibility to make their team members aware of available incentives and the fact that the each independent distributor needs to claim these in order to receive them. Sponsor usually follows what is happening in their downline in order to notify their team members if they are close to achieving a certain level or incentive. 31/03/2012Gediminas Grinevicius11

12 Team beFaMous Training Follow - Up Nobody can expect the Sponsor to be everywhere at all times, however: You can give a ring after a perfume party or other event to check how it went You can organize other team members to help the individual organizing the party – teamwork is the cornerstone of this business. You can recognise your team members small achievements in order to encourage them! 31/03/2012Gediminas Grinevicius12

13 Team beFaMous Training Invest in Yourself Invest time in yourself – reading books – listening to CD’s – watching DVD’s – YouTube and lots of free resources available on Internet – Famous network marketing leaders Tom ‘Big Al’ Shreiter Jim Rhon Ed Ludbrook It is vital to keep you motivated and bring new ideas.-don't just boil in the same juice 31/03/2012Gediminas Grinevicius13

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