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Presentation on theme: "Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 485 CHAPTER 16 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT ACROSS CULTURES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-2 Applied Project Papers & Presentations  Papers – Per Syllabus –Note – there is NO length specified –Keep it CRISP! Concise Relevant Informed Systematic, and Practical.  Presentation –Nominal 10 minutes each  Use PowerPoint or other aides  Discuss Highlights (not details!)  Lead to your conclusion

3 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-3 Paper development  Opening sentence –Identify product, service, country  Discuss RELEVANT domains –Social, technological, economic, political  Narrow focus onto important aspects of –Cultural differences –Trade barriers, restrictions, fees, etc. –Review all exercises (important information)  Discuss exactly how these issues will impact product and or service –Viability of pursuing the market?

4 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-4 Internet Sites - HR        mpanypk=1618 

5 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-5 Training and MNC’s  30% of MNC’s offer formal cultural training programs  58% of MNC’s offer some cultural training to expatriates  91% of MNC’s offer cultural orientation to spouses  75% of MNC’s offer cultural orientation to children

6 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-6 MNC Management Philosophies \ Ethnocentric l home-office personnel in charge of key l management positions Polycentric local nationals in key management positions Regiocentric l relies on local managers from a particular l geographic region to handle operations Geocentric integrates diverse regions through a global approach to decision making

7 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-7 Reasons for Training Prior to Overseas Assignments  Organizational reasons – To reduce ethnocentrism – To Improve the flow of communication between home office and affiliates – To increase MNC efficiency and profitability  Personal reasons –To improve abilities to interact with locals –To dispel myths and stereotypes –To overcome arrogance –To assist with foreign language acquisition

8 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-8 TYPES OF TRAINING PROGRAMS  Standardized (generic) management tools to be used regardless of where the mangers are sent in world –used by small firms  Tailor-Made (custom) management tools created for the specific needs of the participants – used by larger MNC’s

9 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-9 The Process of Self-Evaluation What is your management style? –Factual - decisions based on data –Intuitive - innovative; jumps from idea to idea –Analytical- carefully weights alternatives –Normative- concerned with how things should be done

10 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-10 CULTURAL ASSIMILATORS A Cultural Assimilator is a learning tool designed to expose members of one culture to some of the basic concepts, attitudes, role perceptions, customs, and values of another

11 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-11 Problems with Assimilators  Choice of content (critical incidents) –an expatriate interaction with a host national –a puzzling situation easily misinterpreted –accurate interpretation is probably given sufficient knowledge –the situation is relevant to the expatriates’ task requirements  Validation –Does the instrument measure what it is designed to measure?  Cost-Benefit Analysis –$40,000 per assimilator

12 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-12 Other Approaches for Overseas Preparation  Visits to the host country  Briefings by host-country managers  In-house management programs  Training in local negotiation techniques

13 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-13 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Organizational Development (OD) - the deliberate and reasoned introduction, establishment, reinforcement, and spread of change for the purpose of improving an organizations effectiveness and health

14 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-14 OD Interventions  Team building –sensitivity training and co-operation  Management By Objectives (MBO) –joint setting of subordinates goals  Confrontations meetings –information on intra- or intergroup conflict  Third-party peacemaking –mediator to resolve conflict  Survey feedback –using information to develop an action plan

15 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-15 Limitation of OD in International Settings  Cultural barriers  Language differences  Power distance and uncertainty avoidance differences

16 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-16 Approaches to Cross-Cultural Training

17 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-17 Gillette Case  Global Company –4 main divisions  North Atlantic  Diversified Group  Stationary Products  International Group –Personal Care products –3 geographic groups (Excluding North America & Western Europe Africa, Latin America and Middle East Eastern Europe Asian Pacific

18 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-18 Gillette Case  Global Company –57 Manufacturing Facilities –28 Countries –Products distributed to 200 countries –75% of workforce is outside the U.S. –Close coordination  Simultaneous launch of Sensor Excel razor in 19 countries  Regio-centric approach –Each culture and clientele is unique –Country by country guidelines

19 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-19 Gillette Case  Focus –Changed  Began as philanthropic (internship)  Converted to in-house Management Training –“Groom” for management jobs in home country –Management responsible for selecting candidates

20 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-20 Gillette Case  Source: Prestigious Universities, top students –6 months in home country –Transfer to one of 3 international headquarters (18 month assignments)  Boston  London  Singapore –Slated to be future “senior International leaders”

21 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-21 Gillette Case  Personal and organizational objectives –Ability to interact effectively with local people at foreign operations –Enhances individual’s competitiveness and marketability in and outside of Gillette  90% offered permanent jobs –90% generally accept –Over half still with Gillette –Increased communication –Appreciation for different approaches  More “open minded”

22 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-22 Gillette Case  Beyond students –Expatriate experience for managers  80% of top 40 executives  50% in at least 3 countries  “Transferability” of management is the “glue”

23 Irwin/McGraw-Hill [Modified by EvS] Mgt 470-16-23 Gillette Case  Focus = Future management needs  Emphasis = Interpersonal skills, reduction of ethnocentricity, appreciation for diversity  Effect upon the organization = Increased competitiveness, more flexibility in management  Central aspect of their training = Regiocentric philosophy –Key objectives of “identify” “recruit” and “develop” management  Cultural Adjustment = Extension of culture  Would it work elsewhere?

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