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Unit #2 “PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT”. “Without Government, there will be continual fear and danger of violent death, and life will be solitary, poor, nasty,

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2 “Without Government, there will be continual fear and danger of violent death, and life will be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” -Thomas Hobbes (c. 1650)

3 What is Government?  It is the institution through which a society 1) makes, 2) enforces, and 3) interprets it public policies.  public policy – (a.k.a. “politics”) is simply all of those things that a government decides to do. Basically, it is deciding who benefits from and who pays the price for each of its specific actions.  Government consists of people who have been granted authority & control over the people.

4 Examples of Public Policy:  Taxation  Protection/Defense  Education  Health Care  Protect Environment  Regulate Economy  Civil/Human Rights  Public Works  Energy Policies  Passing Laws  General Welfare  Protect Future **** There are hundreds more!!!

5 The 3 Types of Political Power: 1.Legislative Power - the power to make public policy/laws/regulations. - Example: 2.Executive Power - the power to execute or enforce public policy/laws. - Example: 3.Judicial Power – the power to interpret public policy and settle related disputes. - Example:

6 Democracy & Dictatorship  These are the two most basic political arrangements.  Democracy- the supreme political authority rests with the majority of the people.  Dictatorship- the supreme political authority rests with one person or a very small group.

7 The 4 Characteristics of a Political State:  A state is a body of people, living in a defined territory, who are organized politically, and are fully sovereign. 1.Population 2.Territory 3.Government 4.Sovereignty

8 The 4 Theories on How States Came Into Existence: 1.The Force Theory -

9 The 4 Theories on How States Came Into Existence: 2.The Evolutionary Theory

10 The 4 Theories on How States Came Into Existence: 3.The Divine Right Theory

11 The 4 Theories on How States Came Into Existence: 4.The Social Contract Theory

12 Chapter 1: Section 3 “The Basic Concepts of Our Democracy”

13 The American Concept of Democracy rests on 5 basic notions: 1.Dignity and Worth of the Individual (You are important!!!) 2.Equality of All People 1.Equality of Opportunity 2.Equality Before the Law 3.Majority Rule, Minority Rights ** The minority must have the right and the opportunity to become the majority.

14 5 Concepts of our Democracy: cont. 4.Necessity of Compromise 5.The widest possible degree of individual freedom. ** Remember: absolute freedom only exists in a state of anarchy. **** These Principles, especially our deep-rooted commitment to individual freedom, are very apparent in our nation’s economic system. *** Do you know what this system is called?

15 The Free Enterprise System  Free Enterprise = Capitalism  Law of Supply & Demand 1.Private ownership of capital (money- making) goods. 2.Private investment 3.Competition 4.Individual Initiative/Entrepreneurship 5.PROFIT!!!!!!

16 “Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others have been tried.” The Good 1. 1.The people have direct say in who governs them. 2. 2.This system ensures that the gov’t is made up of representatives who truly care about the people. 3. 3.People will be careful when exercising their power because they won’t want to elect a corrupt or unqualified leader. 4. 4.Prevents abuse of power. 5. 5.Citizens are kept informed by the media. 6. 6.Will of the people is far more representative of different groups in society.

17 “Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others have been tried.” The Good: cont. 7. 7.Allows the freedom of speech which allows a nation to improve and progress. 8. 8.Fosters innovation & creation of new ideas. The Bad 1. 1.Citizens have never received any training and thus lack skills needed to solve the state’s problems. 2. 2.People are easily manipulated & tend to act according to their feelings. 3. 3.It’s unrealistic to think that the masses know what is best for society. 4. 4.Democracy functions on the unrealistic assumption that all citizens are capable leaders.

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