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MRF Math and Reading Fundamentals. Objectives and Agenda Objectives: SWBAT Assess and evaluate their own preferred learning style. SWBAT Begin forming.

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Presentation on theme: "MRF Math and Reading Fundamentals. Objectives and Agenda Objectives: SWBAT Assess and evaluate their own preferred learning style. SWBAT Begin forming."— Presentation transcript:

1 MRF Math and Reading Fundamentals

2 Objectives and Agenda Objectives: SWBAT Assess and evaluate their own preferred learning style. SWBAT Begin forming Characteristics of a team through teambuilding exercises. Agenda: Do Now: Name Tents (5) Review: Goals & Expectations (3-5) Learning Style Inventory Assessment(15) Group Discussion (10) Team Time -Two Truths and a Lie Team Builder(10) Scientific Notation (15) Gather your things, any questions? (5)

3 Do Now -Take a piece of colored paper from the center of your table. -Make a Name tent and place it neatly in front of you.

4 What were our goals and expectations? 0 Goals 0 Expectations

5 Learning Style Inventory 0 Level 0 0 Answer honestly

6 Discussion 0 Split up into Learning Styles 0 Answer the following questions in complete sentences on your hamburger. 0 What has helped you in the past? 0 What has not worked for you in the past? 0 How does this relate to MRF and unique talents or learning styles? 0 Share!

7 …More Team Time!! 0 Two Truths and a Lie: Give your name first then think of some interesting facts about yourself that would be hard for most people to guess. Two of them should be true, and one has to be a lie.

8 Scientific Notation Practice Standard to SCIENTIFIC 0 Rule 1: Move the decimal point to make it number between 1 and 10 The digit to the left of the decimal cannot be zero 0 Rule 2: Write the number of times you moved the decimal point as the exponent (10 ---). 0 Positive (+) exponent moved decimal point to the left 0 Negative exponent (-) moved decimal point to the right

9 Scientific to STANDARD 0 Step 1: Move the decimal point based on the number of the exponent 0 Positive (+) exponent move decimal point to the right to make a standard number 0 Negative (-) exponent move decimal point to the left to make a standard number 0 Step 2: Add zeros for the valleys

10 Questions from the week?

11 Team Building! 0 Making a small building out of straws and tape! 0 Rules 0 5 minutes to discuss and plan 0 You will need…… 0 2 people to tape straws together 0 1-2 people to insert straws into other straws 0 10 minutes to build at level 0 0 If you want help – raise a sideways hand. 0 Must work as a team! 0 Everyone must have a job

12 Practice! 0 Bend the bottom of the straw to insert into another straw 0 Tape straws together 0 Start with a square base (bottom) 0 Tape the bottom of the next 4 straws to the corners of the base 0 Add another square base to the top of the straws.

13 Discussion 0 Answer the following questions in COMPLETE sentences with your partner! 0 How was the experience? 0 What worked well? What did people to do make the building 0 What made it harder? 0 How would communication (talking to one another) make it easier?

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