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Step 1 – Based on the soil test shown on P. 5 describe a soil sampling strategy for each field that will result in the taking of the proper number of soil.

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Presentation on theme: "Step 1 – Based on the soil test shown on P. 5 describe a soil sampling strategy for each field that will result in the taking of the proper number of soil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step 1 – Based on the soil test shown on P. 5 describe a soil sampling strategy for each field that will result in the taking of the proper number of soil samples. (Hint: Remember 5 acres per sample or fewer samples if both P and K are excessively high. See UWEX Pub. A2809 p. 4 for guidance on sample numbers for excessively high fields). On the Snap-Plus farm screen select crops to be grown and choose Sauk County, fill in your name and address, write a short narrative about what you are doing. Rotation starts in 2010 and 2013 is the last year of the 4 year rotation sequence. (C=corn grain, Cs=corn silage, A=Alfalfa, As=alfalfa seeding, S=soybean) Step 2 – On the field screen enter field ID, acreage, major soil type (dominant soil if 10% or more of field area), slope (A:0-2%, B:2-6%, C:6-12%, D: 12-18%), set slope length to 300, set slope below field to 0-2%, measure distance to perennial water “blue line” stream, and start rotation for all fields in 2010. Step 3 – Enter average soil test data (given in slide #5) for each field on the soil test screen. Note: Use separate screen for each field. Select a date in spring 2010 for soil test information. Step 4 – Create an inventory of on-farm nutrient resources (Legume N credits and manure credits). Consider that all rotated alfalfa stands are poor and cut to less than 8 in. No second year alfalfa credits. Manure is not stored (daily haul) and all manure is surface applied, not incorporated. Manure type is semi-solid stalk bedded. Assume book credit for >20% DM. Don’t enter into Snap Plus. Step 5 – Develop a manure allocation strategy using method shown in class for crop year 2013 using a P-based strategy that applies no more than 75 lb P 2 O 5 (25 t/a). Note fields with manure spreading restrictions (no winter spreading if 300 ft. from stream, manure must be incorporated if otherwise spread w/in 300 ft. of stream, high groundwater). Step 6 – Based on the crop rotation for each field credit the nutrients provided by manure and legume forage and show the final adjusted N, P 2 O 5, and K 2 O recommendation for the 2013 crop year. Yields: corn = 170 bu/a; corn silage = 24 t/a; soybean = 55 bu/a, alfalfa seeding=2 t/a; alfalfa prod.=5 t/a. Select fall chisel/disk for all tillage systems. Step 7 – List the Phosphorus Index for each field in 2013 when using a fall chisel/disk in all years. Change tillage to no-till in all years for fields 1, 4, 7, and 9 and list the revised Phosphorus Index. Step 8 – Turn in soil sampling strategy and completed tables on pages 5 – 9 for full credit. Steps to Develop a Nutrient Management Plan for Sunnyside Acres Using Snap-Plus Requirements for Assignment FISC Soil and Crop Nutrient Management

2 Field 1 35 a Field 9 12 a Field 4 21 a Field 7 20 a Field 3 33 a Field 2 29 a Field 8 20 a Field 5 18 a Field 6 12 a 1000 ft.



5 Individual Field Soil Type and Slope Selection FieldAcresRotation Soil Type SlopepH Organic Matter PK 135CCCC6.22.920 O95 O 229AsAAC6.63.224 H100 O 333ACCC6.73.3150 EH170 EH 421CSCS6.53.2110 EH160 EH 518CsAsAA6.12.016 L110 H 612CCCAs6.92.820 O100 O 720AsAACs6.32.990 EH100 O 820CAsAA6.02.215 L90 O 912CsAsAA6.62.125 O120 H

6 Soil Sampling Strategy Field Soil test P category Soil test K category Number of samplesSpecial considerations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

7 Manure Generation Spreadsheet Livestock Type NumberManure Produced Manure Collected (produced x 0.85) Milking and dry cows (21 t/yr) 75 Large heifers (15 t/yr) 15 Small heifers (7.5 t/yr) 30 Calves (2 t/yr) 30 Totals

8 Manure Allocation Ranking Spreadsheet FieldAcresRotation Soil Test P Soil Test K Distance to Water SlopeTexture Soil Depth Final Rank Tons/ field Manure Balance 135 229 333 421 518 612 720 8 912

9 Final Nutrient Application Plan and Phosphorus Index Field Manure Legume N credit (lb N/a) Net Fert. N rate (lb N/a) Net Fert. P 2 O 5 rate (lb P 2 O 5 /a) Net Fert. K 2 O rate (lb K 2 O/a) Phosphorus Index (Fall Chisel/disk) Phosphorus Index (No-till) Rate (ton/a) P 2 O 5 applied (lb P 2 O 5 /a) K 2 O applied (lb K 2 O/a) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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