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Design Through Curriculum on Embedded Systems Team: Aisha Grieme, Jeff Melvin, Dane Seaberg Advisors: Dr. Tyagi and Jason Boyd Client: Dept. of Electrical.

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Presentation on theme: "Design Through Curriculum on Embedded Systems Team: Aisha Grieme, Jeff Melvin, Dane Seaberg Advisors: Dr. Tyagi and Jason Boyd Client: Dept. of Electrical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Through Curriculum on Embedded Systems Team: Aisha Grieme, Jeff Melvin, Dane Seaberg Advisors: Dr. Tyagi and Jason Boyd Client: Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering

2 The Course Goals To give a junior level student a birds eye view of the junior curriculum through a design exercise The project will show students how to apply concepts learned in other classes

3 The Course Plan Week 1: o get robot kit, software, and game rule o learn about putting this project into a process model and schuedule Week 2: o begin to learn about the software and programming the robot o set up subversion for the team to use Week 3: o robot must be built and programmed to move forward o go over algorithms in embedded systems

4 The Course Plan Week 4:  areana would be set up to start testing in  algorithm should be started Week 5:  working on algorithm and testing  learn about timing in embedded systems Week 6:  Testing will begin Week 7:  Student will demo their robots and play against other students robots

5 The Game - Arena

6 ItemCost Field Perimeter799.99 Field Tiles189.99 Light Emitting Ball7.99

7 The Game - Arena

8 The Game - Rules (Soccer) 12' x 12' course divided into 2 sections attacker and defender 2' x 4' total goal area every x sec/min switch att/def roles teams penalized for being in own goal too long bonus for successful passes to teammate

9 The Hardware PIC Microcontroller V0.5 o programmed with RobotC o 8 motor ports o 16 digital and analog I/O VEX robot bundes o microcontroller o frame, wheels, etc. o light sensor

10 Hardware Opportunity Cost PIC Microcontroller V0.5 o Has needed functionality o Not much freedom with design  RTOS  Sensors VEX PRO ARM9 o high performance o more degrees of freedom o no cost or release date

11 The Software RobotC o Firmware o multitasking Programming Interface o Real-time debugging o lots of support and tutorials

12 Project Schedule for Fall Sem. Implement Demo o build robot o learn robotC o build arena o program robot Test Demo Write leaning module/lesson plans Test course using a user study Make final deliverable

13 Cost Estimate and Comparison Robot o bundle - $415  microcontroller, frame, robotC o light sensor -$20 Arena

14 Test Plan Course o User Study o Survey Robot and Game o build and test

15 Questions

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