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Client: Space Systems & Controls Laboratory (SSCL) Advisor : Matthew Nelson Anders Nelson (EE) Mathew Wymore (CprE)

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Presentation on theme: "Client: Space Systems & Controls Laboratory (SSCL) Advisor : Matthew Nelson Anders Nelson (EE) Mathew Wymore (CprE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Client: Space Systems & Controls Laboratory (SSCL) Advisor : Matthew Nelson Anders Nelson (EE) Mathew Wymore (CprE) Kale Brockman Stockli Manuel Laura Uyttersprot Kshira Nadarajan (CprE) Mazdee Masud (EE) Andy Jordan Karolina Soppela 491 Team Component 1 466 Team Component

2 Background  Client: The Space Systems and Control Lab (SSCL) of Iowa State University  Team Composition: ECpE 491 and Engr 466(Multidisciplinary group) Senior Design Teams  Aim: To participate in the International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC) August 2011 Challenge: To penetrate a building, navigate through the corridors and complete another task like identifying a USB stick 2

3 Competition Objectives  Autonomously fly UAV through 1m square window.  Navigate interior of building avoiding obstacles Avoid walls or floors  Locate one marked room and enter  Locate and replace a USB flash drive in room  Navigate out of building back to the starting location  Accomplish all objectives within 10 minutes 3

4 System Block Diagram 4

5 491 Team Component  Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Accelerometer, Gyroscope 6 Degrees of Freedom Measurement  External Measurement Sensors IR, Sonar, or Laser  Camera Vision  Microcontroller  Communications Transmitter, Receiver  Remote Processing  Power

6 466 Team Component  Platform for flight Motors Motor Controllers  Platform for electronics Sensors mounts Controller housing

7 Functional requirements  1.5kg Maximum Total Platform Weight  Battery Powered Capable of >10 minutes of flight time Rechargeable Batteries  Operate/Navigate in GPS-denied Environment  Operate Autonomously With Remote Processing Unit  Remote Manual Kill Switch  Remain Airborne if RF Link is lost RF Link capable of >40 meters RF Link must be JAUS-Compliant  Programming on Microcontroller Call functions for Remote Processing Unit 7

8 Non-functional requirements  Financial Economical and Affordable Funded by SSCL  Installation/Manufacturing/Maintenance Simple Easy to maintain Expandable (Object Recognition etc) 8

9 Constraints and Technology Considerations  Weight Batteries Power draw mainly from motors for lift ○ Lift based on weight-completing interdependence  Communications Low power on UAV but still have long enough range 9

10 Tasks and Schedule 10

11 Risks and Mitigation  Risk of crash Microcontroller programmed to hold UAV steady if loss of link Robust feedback controllers  Noise from sensors Filters to remove noise  Communication with Engr 466 Team Weekly meetings Dropbox/Googledocs sharing 11

12 Cost Estimate 12

13 Questions ? 13

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