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36th Pearle* conference Paris 28 & 29 November 2008 Mobility in the EU – priorities from the Council and the Commission Richard Polacek Consultant European.

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Presentation on theme: "36th Pearle* conference Paris 28 & 29 November 2008 Mobility in the EU – priorities from the Council and the Commission Richard Polacek Consultant European."— Presentation transcript:

1 36th Pearle* conference Paris 28 & 29 November 2008 Mobility in the EU – priorities from the Council and the Commission Richard Polacek Consultant European affairs

2 Mobility increasing interest from the EU  Agenda for Culture (2007) (Commission’s communication) 3 objectives: promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue;cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue promotion of culture as catalyst for creativity in the framework of the Lisbon Strategy; andculture as catalyst for creativityLisbon Strategy promotion of culture as a vital element in EU external relationsEU external relations  The mobility of artists and professionals in the cultural field is a specific objective of this Communication.

3 Council  Council work plan for culture 2008-2010: Council work plan for culture 2008-2010 The strategic objectives of the Agenda for Culture have been endorsed by the Council which has included mobility as one of its priority areas for action in its work plan for 2008- 2010: “Improving the conditions for the mobility of artists and other professionals in the cultural field”

4 Council  Work on mobility and other topic areas is now done in a more structured system of cooperation between the Member States and the EU institutions ('open method of coordination').open method of coordination  In order for Member States to move ahead in these priority areas and deliver concrete results by the end of 2010, four experts' working groups have been set up, including an expert group on “conditions of mobility of artists and other professionals in the cultural field”

5 Council - Working Group on mobility  This working group will consider, report and make recommendations (including in the form of validating best practices, making proposals for cooperation initiatives between Member States or at EC level and for elements of methodology to evaluate progress), as appropriate, on the following areas:

6 Council - Working Group on mobility 1. mapping the existing practices in each Member State in order to make it possible to suggest ways of improving the regulatory conditions and related administrative processes for mobility, 2. suggesting solutions at the national and Community levels regarding the inclusion of mobility (in and outside Europe) in the professional training curricula of artists and culture professionals, 3. ensuring the collection of and access to the relevant information on the conditions for mobility in Europe (tax, social, entry and residence conditions in different Member States), 4. reinforcing regional, national and Community-level support mechanisms for mobility and ensuring their complementarity.

7 European Parliament:  At the end of 2007, the European Parliament voted a budget line (15 04 45) dedicated to supporting the environment for the mobility of artists on the 2008 budget (1.5 million euros), comprised of three elements, including calls for networking of existing structures supporting mobility in different sectors in order to develop exchange of best practices, evaluation methodologies, valorisation of results as well as possible joint actions and studies aiming at improving the overall effectiveness at EU level.

8 European Commission studies Study on mobility support programmes and schemes Carried out by ERICarts (European Research Institute for Comparative Cultural Policy and the Arts) between April and October 2008

9 ERICArts study: mobility support programmes and schemes An overview of all mobility schemes for cultural workers existing at national/regional and local level (objectives, kind of support, target beneficiaries, eligibility conditions, nature of benefit etc) in the 27 Member States of the European Union, the three EEA/EFTA countries, the candidate countries and the countries of the Western Balkans; a typology of the existing schemes; an analysis of the impact and efficiency of the existing mobility schemes;

10 ERICArts study: mobility support programmes and schemes an analysis of any gaps in provision and the scope for complementing them at EU level, including practical recommendations on how to do this, bearing in mind the need to respect the competence of the EU in the cultural area (article 151 of the Treaty) and the principle of subsidiarity recommendations on ways to enhance mobility of cultural workers in the EU context of discrepancies in harmonisation of social and tax legislations as mentioned above. Different forms of support shall be envisaged: financial support as well as information on regulations (practical guides) and existing mobility schemes, networking of existing organisations and other forms of support.

11 ECOTEC study: information systems on mobility  Start: Mid-August 2008  Finalised: probably by end of February 2009 Objective: provide the European Commission with:  An overview of existing information systems on the different legal, regulatory, procedural, fiscal and financial aspects to the trans- national mobility of cultural workers existing at national level in the 27 Member States of the European Union as of 1 January 2007 and the three EEA/EFTA countries

12 ECOTEC study: information systems on mobility  An analysis of gaps in the functioning of existing information systems  Recommendations for remedies to fill possible gaps, including what role, if any, should be played by the EU, taking into account its competences, with a view to set up a comprehensive scheme designed to provide a European wide system of information on the different legal, regulatory, procedural and financial aspects to mobility in the cultural sector, including if necessary, mobility contact points at national level

13 And even more studies to come…. Study on the mapping and evaluating of existing platforms (websites) within the cultural sector aimed at stimulating debate and cross border exchange of matters concerning European culture The objective of this study is to map and analyse existing websites in Europe which are used as a means for exchange of information and debate on culture, artistic expression and as a space for an exchange of opinions on the European project, with a view to proposing recommendations on how to enhance the use of the internet as a means of information exchange and debate at the European level on cross-sector issues in the field of culture and artistic expression. More information: en.htm en.htm

14 European Commission Call for proposals to support mobility - pilot projects  Call for proposals launched in Summer 2008: “Pilot projects– networking of existing structures supporting mobility in different cultural sectors”  Budget: European Parliament voted at the end of 2007 amendment to the 2008 budget:

15  This call for proposals implements this element of the EP amendment which is aimed at supporting networking of existing structures in the independent civil society sector and initiatives by public authorities. European Commission Call for proposals to support mobility - pilot projects

16 The aim is to support:  the networking of existing structures supporting mobility in different cultural sectors;  existing networks of structures supporting mobility in different cultural sectors;  the networking of existing networks of such structures. The networks to be co-funded through the proposal have to encompass at least 5 partners from at least 5 different Member States. All the partners have to have supported mobility of cultural workers within the EU or between the EU and third countries for a minimum of 2 years, by coordinating or co-funding mobility schemes or improving the context of mobility for cultural workers.

17 European Commission Call for proposals to support mobility - pilot projects Applications had to be sent to the Commission no later than 30 September 2008 Applicants have been informed of the outcome of the selection procedure in November 2008. The total budget earmarked for co-financing these projects amounts to 1.250.000 EUR. The size of the grants will range between 150 000 and 350 000 EUR. The financial contribution from the Commission cannot exceed 80% of the total eligible costs

18 European Commission Call for proposals to support mobility - pilot projects  Outcome: 33 applications  4 successful projects: SPACE (Supporting Performing Art Circulation in Europe: ONDA, Vlaams Theater Instituut, IETM, and others “Changing Room”: Trans Europe Halles Pépinières Europénnes pour jeunes artistes “See Mobile See Practical - PRACTICS” : Finnish Theatre Information Centre (TINFO) Partners: Kunstenloket, SICA, Arts Council of Wales, Interarts, Fondazione Fitzcarraldo, Pearle*, AEC, ELIA, ECAS, IETM

19 See Mobile See Practical - PRACTICS  Objectives: Develop and pilot ‘EU Cultural Mobility Contact Points’ to stimulate mobility between EU countries and help overcome existing obstacles to mobility. By doing so, develop further the capacity of already existing cultural mobility information structures and promote networking between such existing structures and European networks at national and EU level and encourage the exchange of good practices

20 See Mobile See Practical - PRACTICS Actions: 1. Piloting ‘Cultural Mobility Contact Points’: to offer support to incoming and outgoing mobility - Providing information - Provide administrative support - Give assistance and support - Intervene in particular cases - Organise training and information sessions

21 See Mobile See Practical - PRACTICS 2. Promoting networking and staff exchange - Networking at national level, cross- national (staff exchange) and European level (EU wide dissemination and access to stakeholders)

22 See Mobile See Practical - PRACTICS 3. Deepen the sector’s capacity to enhance and support mobility: - Exchange of knowledge and training

23 See Mobile See Practical - PRACTICS 4. Identify key factors stimulating mobility and present recommendations on how to overcome obstacles to mobility - Evaluations of each CMCP’s activities after each year - Develop recommendations for structures in other Member States - Communicate the project results and activities to national and EU administrations

24 See Mobile See Practical - PRACTICS Length of the project: December2008 - November 2011 Pilot “Cultural Mobility Contact Points”: - Kunstenloket (Belgium) - SICA (Netherlands) - Interarts (Spain) - WAI/Arts Council of Wales (Wales/United Kingdom)

25 Paris, 24-25 November 2008  European conference : “New avenues for the dissemination of the Performing Arts in Europe” Organised by French Ministry of Culture and Communication and the National Office for Contemporary Performing Arts Circulation (ONDA)

26 Main points discussed… 1. Artistic necessity for circulation 2. Connecting national policies in a transnational environment 3. Political response to the diversity of artistic projects 4. Legal and fiscal impediments to mobility 5. Training of administrators, artists and technicians and the European dimension 6. Correct imbalances in dissemination of performing arts 7. The role of cultural diplomacy 8. Cooperation and exchange beyond Europe

27 Outcome  Stimulated reflections about possible future directions of national and European cultural policies, about governance of cultural policy (role of “civil society”) and the need to have instructed debates  Raised awareness of need to deal with concrete issues: data, impediments due to regulatory environment, training, strategy for mobility outside EU + from outside, status of artists…

28 Tendencies…  “Quality mobility” Artistic quality of mobile performances should prime “Less is more” – “slow down” “Chosen mobility” “forced mobility”  Environmental concerns, new technologies  Awareness of the need to: connect better European, national and local cultural policies, ensure more coherence (“intercultural dialogue” – immigration policies) and define tools to remedy “imbalances” achieve coherent representation towards countries outside Europe

29  Key recommendations to be proposed by organisers and “scientific committee” by end of January 2009

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