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Chapter 7 LOOPING OPERATIONS: ITERATION. Chapter 7 The Flow of the while Loop.

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2 Chapter 7 The Flow of the while Loop

3 Chapter 7 while Loop Syntax while (test expression) { statement 1; statement 2; statement n; } //END WHILE

4 Chapter 7 DebuggingTip Remember, an infinite loop is the result of a logical error in your program. The compiler will not detect an infinite loop condition. For this reason, you should always desk- check your loop structures very closely prior to coding and execution. A little time desk-checking will save you a lot of time at the keyboard.

5 Chapter 7 The Flow of the do/while Loop

6 Chapter 7 do/while Loop Syntax do { statement 1; statement n; } //END DO/WHILE while (test expression);

7 Chapter 7 The Flow of the for Loop

8 Chapter 7 for Loop Syntax for (int counter = initial value; counter test; increment or decrement counter) { statement 1; statement 2; statement n; } //END FOR

9 Chapter 7 Tips –Never change the for loop counter within the body of the loop. –Do not place a semicolon at the end of the first line of the for statement unless you purposely want to create a time delay.

10 Chapter 7 The continue Statement When a continue statement is executed within a loop, only the current iteration is terminated and loop execution “continues” to the next iteration.

11 Chapter 7 The break Statement When a break statement is executed within a loop, the loop “breaks” and all loop iterations are terminated. Execution then passes to the next sequential statement after the loop.

12 Chapter 7  Use while whenever there is a possibility that the loop statements will not need to be executed.  Use do/while when the loop statements must be executed at least once. Use for when it can be predetermined exactly how many times the loop statements must be executed.

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