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SOCIALIZATION The lifelong social experience by which individuals develop their human potential and learn culture Agents of Socialization – –People, institutions,

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Presentation on theme: "SOCIALIZATION The lifelong social experience by which individuals develop their human potential and learn culture Agents of Socialization – –People, institutions,"— Presentation transcript:

1 SOCIALIZATION The lifelong social experience by which individuals develop their human potential and learn culture Agents of Socialization – –People, institutions, and groups that influence our self concept, emotions, attitudes, values, and behavior

2 The Family Social institution found inSocial institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to oversee the bearing and raising of children 1 st & most influential agent of socialization1 st & most influential agent of socialization Values and beliefs begin with familyValues and beliefs begin with family

3 Family: Parents AuthoritarianAuthoritarian –Obedience=prime virtue –Because I said so PermissivePermissive –Allow self expression –Few confrontations AuthoritativeAuthoritative –Confront only after deviance … allow the child to deviance … allow the child to learn from their mistakes learn from their mistakes

4 Stats & Divorce Ideal # of Children for U.S. Adults *0=1.3%*1=3.4%*2=50.4% *3=23.4%*4=8.2%*5=.7% (2000 Survey – text p. 474) 2000: Over 40% of U.S. Marriages End in Divorce – –One of the highest rates in the world

5 Religion Helps develop moralsHelps develop morals MonotheismMonotheism PolytheismPolytheism God: Authoritarian? Benevolent?God: Authoritarian? Benevolent? Critical? Distant? 70% of Americans belong to70% of Americans belong to a church –Only 40% attend regular services

6 Religion: Some stats % of Americans want a President with strong religious faith. 70% Do you believe in the existence of God or a universal spirit? Yes: 90% Do you believe that Jesus Christ actually lived? Yes: 90% Do you believe there is life after death? Yes: 73% Do you think there is a heaven where people who have led good lives are eternally rewarded? Yes: 77% Do you believe there is a hell? Yes: 44%

7 More Religion I have no doubts that God exists – 66% I believe in a higher power or cosmic force – 14% I believe in God, but with some doubts – 11% I don’t believe in anything beyond the physical world – 5% Newsweek Survey - 2006

8 School Manifest vs. Latent Functions – –Examples? Hidden Curriculum – –values or messages that are present in an agent of socialization that are latent or not as obvious to some Gender socialization – –Gender separated classrooms? Emphasis on what you can do … not who you are – –No Child Left Behind: more emphasis on Standardized Tests – –Do you think this is the right way to educate?

9 Education Cont % of population that are college graduates (2000): 26% Voucher Programs, Open Enrollment, Chapter 220 Functional Illiteracy in USA = 21% Family Income & College Attendance – –$20,000 - $30,000 = 30% – –$75,000 + = 64%

10 Peer Groups Similar age, interests, social class, ethnic group 1 st experience with “equal-status” relationships Development of social identity Kids/Teens: Distinctive values and norms from adults (subculture) Groups develops distinct set of symbols/language Anticipatory Socialization – –Things you do in social situations in an attempt to gain acceptance into a social group Examples?


12 Mass Media 200,000 violent acts by 18 Yearly hours in school: 1250 Yearly hours w/ TV: 1450 6 million videos rented daily 3 million library books Do TV/Movies affect your peers? – –10-16: 66% Yes TV w/out parents: 90% Kids see 20,000 ads yearly 54% Kids: TV in bedroom V Chip: only 15% use it Page 126 in text

13 TV: Good or Bad? Study: Kids who watch 10+ hours a week – –Overweight – –Aggressive – –Slower in school 1990: Children’s Television Act – –3 hours per week, 7am-10pm, weekly program, 30 minutes in length – –Traditional Cartoons being replaced with educational programming 1997: TV Rating system (link)link

14 Mass Media and Gender Reinforces Gender StereotypesReinforces Gender Stereotypes Sex sells!Sex sells!

15 Disney’s Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

16 2002 Rolling Stone Cover


18 Miley Cyrus: Vogue

19 Total Institutions Attempt to Re-socialize Dominate the thoughts and actions of members Segregate emotionally, mentally, physically Mortification: strip newcomer of possessions, clothes, etc that may express individuality (personal identity kit) – –This process known as: Degradation Ceremony Examples?


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