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Most influential writing in Christian theology Romans.

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1 Most influential writing in Christian theology Romans

2  Written from Corinth?  57–58 CE After Roman Jews return from exile (54 CE)  Paul’s purpose To introduce himself to Roman Christians To establish support for his mission to the Gentiles; some have rejected this mission  Paul’s “collection for the poor”  Paul’s defense to the Jerusalem Christians To solicit support for future mission trip to Spain To effect reconciliation between Jews and Gentiles Date and Place

3  God’s righteousness is demonstrated in Christ as God’s faithfulness to all people  Justification by faith(fulness) God faithfully justifies people who are faithful to God  Obedience of faith(fulness) Adam disobeyed Christ (the new Adam) obeyed God and demonstrated faithfulness to God Imputed righteousness and effective righteousness Theological Themes

4  Universally available salvation Open to Jews and Gentiles Includes people and creation This is Paul’s main point (according to the New Perspective on Paul)  Death and resurrection Through baptism, Christians participate in Christ’s death and resurrection Past tense: we were reconciled to God Present tense: we are justified Future tense: we will be saved Theological Themes

5  God and Israel All Jews did not follow Christ; God is still faithful This allows Gentiles to come to God Then all Israel will be saved (11:26)  Obedience to earthly government Did Paul experience only good Imperial rule?  Accommodation of the “weak” Jewish dietary laws are irrelevant to faith(fulness) humility before community members overrides personal rights Theological Themes

6  Greeting and thanksgiving (1:1–7, 8–10)  Thesis (1:16–17)  Jews and Gentiles under God’s wrath (1:18– 3:20)  Jews and Gentiles receive God’s grace (3:21–5:21) E.g., Abraham and Jesus  Objections to thesis (chaps. 6–11)  Exhortations (12:1–15:13)  Travel plans, greetings, doxology (15:14 – 16) Outline

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