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Bill of Rights Test Review Chapters 10 and 11. The person most responsible in writing the Bill of Rights…

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Presentation on theme: "Bill of Rights Test Review Chapters 10 and 11. The person most responsible in writing the Bill of Rights…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bill of Rights Test Review Chapters 10 and 11

2 The person most responsible in writing the Bill of Rights…

3 The Bill of Rights is part of …

4 Fourth Amendment protects… ~against unreasonable searches

5 Whose job is it to protect the right listed in the Bill of Rights ? Congress

6 The First Amendment Protects: Freedom of speech Freedom of worship Freedom of assembly Freedom of press Right to Petition the Gov’t

7 Freedom of Speech includes the right to… Discuss controversial issues in school Promote ideas that many Americans oppose Criticize government officials on a TV talk show

8 Second Amendment… ~ the right to bear arms

9 Miranda Warning

10 The Ninth Amendment… …rights not listed in the Constitution can be added to it later

11 Match the following picture with the amendment Unreasonable search and seizures Cruel and unusual punishment Quarter soldiers at home Right to assemble Right to a jury trial

12 ~ A warrant issued by a judge is needed to ____ a person’s home. ~ A person who had been indicted by a grand jury has the right to: 1. a jury trial 2. a speedy trial 3. a defense lawyer 4. an all-woman jury SEARCH

13 ~ During trial, a person accused of a crime has the right to hear and question __________. ~ A person found guilty of a crime is protected from _______ fines. ~ People arrested for crimes have the right to 1. know the accusations against them. 2. talk with a defense lawyer. 3. remain silent when questioned. 4. destroy police evidence. his accuser

14 The Bill of Rights Amendment 1: Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition Amendment 2: Right to bear arms Amendment 3: Quartering of soldier Amendment 4: Search and Seizure Amendment 5: Rights of accused persons Amendment 6: right to a speedy and public trial

15 Amendment 7: Trial by jury in civil cases (usually involving money, family problems, divorce) Amendment 8: Limits of fines (bail) and punishments Amendment 9: Rights of the people (other rights not listed, such as privacy Amendment 10: Powers of the states and people

16 Which two amendments are most important? Why?

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