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Writing Workshop: Coat of Arms Per 3, 5: 3/19/2012 Per 2, 4, 6: 3/20/2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Workshop: Coat of Arms Per 3, 5: 3/19/2012 Per 2, 4, 6: 3/20/2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Workshop: Coat of Arms Per 3, 5: 3/19/2012 Per 2, 4, 6: 3/20/2012

2 Objective:  The Coat of Arms activity is a great way to reflect on the different aspects of your lives, which will lead you to your first journal entry later this week.  With this activity, you will explore aspirations, use personification, as well as symbolism to illustrate who you are.

3 Process:  Step 1: Using the Coat of Arms template, draw a shield on the white sheet of paper you will be provided.  Step 2: Draw a picture of yourself in the center of your shield.  Step 3: You will fill in your shield using the following guidelines:  Step 4: Share shields with the class.

4 Box 1: Goals  This box represents your immediate and future goals. These could include personal, school, career, or family-related goals.

5 Box 2: Favorite Things  This is a place for you to show your favorite things, including sports, pets, entertainment, and hobbies.

6 Box 3: Someone You Admire  Draw or paste in a picture of someone you admire. You can also use different cut out words that describe why you admire them. Possible options: A family member, an activist, a sports hero, a religious leader, a celebrity.

7 Box 4: What Makes You Unique  Use words, pictures, or drawings to show the rest of the class what makes you unique. Describe your personalities, talents, or special characteristics.

8 Motto:  The ribbon across the bottom of the shield is where you will write your personal motto. WHAT IS A MOTTO?

9 EXAMPLES:  “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Gandhi  “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are truly good at heart.” – Anne Frank  “What doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger.”

10 Grade:  Coat of Arms must be neat, creative, and effort is apparent in illustrating a clear sense of self.  Each section of the Coat of Arms must be accurately completed.

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