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Coat of Arms True Expression of Your Personality and Life!

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1 Coat of Arms True Expression of Your Personality and Life!

2 What is a Coat of Arms? ► a distinctive design painted on a shield shield ► the design is a symbol unique to a person, family, corporation, or state. ► Historically they were first used by feudal lords and knights in the mid- 12th century on battlefields as a way to identify allied from enemy soldiers feudalknights feudalknights


4 Objective ► Create a coat of arms that expresses your values, interests, dreams for the future, and the important relationships in your life.

5 Instructions 1. The shield shape is divided into four sections called quadrants. Each quadrant should express your attitudes and beliefs about the following: (4 each)  Your values (4)  Your relationships (4)  Your future (4)  Your interests (4)

6 2. For each quadrant, draw or trace designs that express your life and personal attitudes. You may use words, letters or other symbols. Make each quadrant colorful. 3. On the banner at the top or bottom of the Coat of Arms, write your personal motto: a short statement that reflects your philosophy of life. 4. On the back of your paper, write a short description of your top ranked choice for each quadrant.

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