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Domestic International Multinational Global Business Business Corporation Business Level of International Activity Low High Levels of International Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Domestic International Multinational Global Business Business Corporation Business Level of International Activity Low High Levels of International Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Domestic International Multinational Global Business Business Corporation Business Level of International Activity Low High Levels of International Business Activity

2 A. Market Entry Strategies 1. Global Sourcing 2. Exporting/Importing 3. Licensing/Franchising Types of International Activity

3 B. Direct Investment Strategies 1. Joint Venture 2. Wholly-owned Subsidiaries 3. Greenfield Venture Types of International Activity : continued

4 Ethnocentric Polycentric Geocentric Philosophies of International Mgmt

5 Intnl Economic Factors Intnl Political Factors Intnl Technological Factors Intnl Socio-cultural Factors International Issues and Contingency Theory

6 Differences in Perceptions of Time Differences in Perceptions of Space Language Differences Differences in Values & Beliefs International Socio-Cultural Factors

7 Power Distance Uncertainty Avoidance Individualism/Collectivism Masculinity/Femininity Long-term/Short-term Hofstede’s National Value Systems

8 Examples of Hofstede’s work CountryPDUAIMLT U.S. L L H H L Germany L M H H M Japan M H M H H France H H H M L Netherlands L M H L M Hong Kong H L L H H Indonesia H L L M L West Africa H M L M L Russia H H M L L China H M L M H

9 The World is Flat Flattener #1: The Fall of the Berlin Wall Flattener #2: Netscape Goes Public Flattener #3: Work Flow Software Flattener #4: Open Sourcing Flattener #5: Outsourcing

10 Flattener #6: Offshoring Flattener #7: Supply Chaining Flattener #8: Insourcing Flattener #9: In-forming Flattener #10: The Steroids Flatteners: continued

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