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ES-FAMI Katherine A. Hinderer, PhD, RN, CCRN, CNE Judith M. Jarosinski, PhD, RN, CNE Tina P. Brown Reid, EdD, MSN Lisa A. Seldomridge, PhD, RN This work.

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Presentation on theme: "ES-FAMI Katherine A. Hinderer, PhD, RN, CCRN, CNE Judith M. Jarosinski, PhD, RN, CNE Tina P. Brown Reid, EdD, MSN Lisa A. Seldomridge, PhD, RN This work."— Presentation transcript:

1 ES-FAMI Katherine A. Hinderer, PhD, RN, CCRN, CNE Judith M. Jarosinski, PhD, RN, CNE Tina P. Brown Reid, EdD, MSN Lisa A. Seldomridge, PhD, RN This work was supported by a Nurse Support II Grant from the Maryland Higher Education Commission under the auspices of the Health Services Cost Review Commission.

2 Project Purposes  Prepare expert nurse clinicians to become educators  Increase the diversity of available part-time clinical faculty.  Promote use of Academy graduates by partner schools  Encourage educational advancement of Academy graduates  Create a database of available part-time faculty for the Eastern Shore.  2

3 Regional Challenges  Rural location  Several nursing programs in close proximity  Different levels of student preparation  Lack of diverse faculty  Insufficient faculty in specialty areas 3

4 Overview of ES-FAMI Program  30 contact hours  Face-to-face introductory session  Online instruction  Simulated clinical teaching sessions  Mentoring workshops  Focus groups  Teaching obligation (Reid, Hinderer, Jarosinski, Mister, & Seldomridge, 2013) 4

5 Academy Outcomes  56 Graduates  9 Academies over 4 years  Demographics  94% (n=53) female  50% (n=28%) from diverse, underrepresented groups  Age range 23-56 years (M=38.79, + 8.48) 5

6 Employment as Clinical Faculty 34 of 56 (60.7%) have taught at least one clinical course for one of the partner schools. –26 at SU –6 at Chesapeake –2 at Sojourner 6

7 Advancing Education 24 of 56 Academy graduates (43%) are enrolled in or have completed advanced education within the past year; 7 enrolled in doctoral education 7 enrolled in master’s education 8 have completed MS degrees 2 have completed DNPs 7

8 Conclusions  All project outcomes achieved  Participants highly satisfied  Felt well-prepared to teach  Learning “how” to teach is important  Formal mentorship solidified learning and role transition 8

9 Next Steps-ES-FAMI Version 2.0  Awarded 5 year continuation grant –New academic partner Wor-Wic Community College –Health care organization partners Atlantic General Hospital Peninsula Regional Medical Center University of Maryland Shore Regional Health System –Expanded mentorship Focused group mentoring Standardized approach to individual mentoring –Enhanced distance access 9

10 Dissemination Reid, T., Hinderer, K., Jarosinski, J., Mister, B. & Seldomridge, L. (2013). Expert clinician to clinical teacher: Developing a faculty academy and mentoring initiative. Nursing Education in Practice. March, 1-6. Hinderer, K., Jarosinski, J., Seldomridge, L., & Reid, T. (in press). From expert clinician to nurse educator: Outcomes of a faculty academy initiative. Nurse Educator. Seldomridge, L., Reid, T., Jarosinski, J. & Hinderer, K. (2015). : Strategies for developing expert clinicians into clinical faculty: Lessons learned from a hybrid faculty academy experience. Sigma Theta Tau Biennial Convention, 7-11 November 2015, Las Vegas, NV. Jarosinski, J., Reid, T., Hinderer, K. & Seldomridge, L. (2015). Developing expert clinicians into clinical faculty: A mentoring-teaching experience. Sigma Theta Tau International Research Congress, 22-27 July 2015, San Juan Puerto Rico. Hinderer, K., Reid, T., Seldomridge, L., & Jarosinski, J. (2014). Who will replace us? Outcomes of an initiative to increase clinical nursing faculty. NETNEP 5th International Nurse Education Conference, 22-25 June 2014 | Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. Seldomridge, L. Reid, T., Hinderer, K., & Jarosinski, J. (2013). Creating clinical educators from clinicians: The Eastern Shore Faculty Academy and Mentorship Initiative. Maryland Nurses Association Annual Convention, October 10, 2013. 10

11 Finalist-STTI Excellence in Educational Research 12

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