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“Understanding American Indian/Alaska Native Communication Styles” Dean S. Seneca, MPH, MCURP Director, Office of Tribal Affairs Agency for Toxic Substances.

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Presentation on theme: "“Understanding American Indian/Alaska Native Communication Styles” Dean S. Seneca, MPH, MCURP Director, Office of Tribal Affairs Agency for Toxic Substances."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Understanding American Indian/Alaska Native Communication Styles” Dean S. Seneca, MPH, MCURP Director, Office of Tribal Affairs Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

2 Thought Provoking

3 Environmental Issues “Land is life”  Threat to Subsistence Lifestyles; fish consumption, plants (medical purposes) and animals  Threat to Cultural Practices; sweat lodges, basket weaving, pottery making  Polluted Land and Waterways; environmental compensation

4 Environmental Health Issues  Emotional Trauma  Physiological Trauma  Physical Trauma  Spiritual Trauma

5 Typical Exposure Assessment Model - Suburban lifestyle Typical Exposure Assessment Model - Suburban lifestyle Groundwater release Air release Source Little environmental contact. Few exposure pathways. © Harris and Harper, 1997

6 Sleeping mats, Basket Clothing, Shelter Traditional Practices Food People are inextricably intertwined with the environment through unique and multiple uses of resources for food, cultural, ceremonial and religious practices. © Harris and Harper, 1997

7 Tribal Communication Outreach Strategy Meet Tribal Groups on their own Turf, (go to the reservation) Have Food Available Have Door prizes and Raffles Contact the Community Health Aids, Public Health Nurses, not the Physicians Time is not a critical Element

8 Tribal Communication Outreach Participants Elected Tribal Officials Traditionalist, Business Community Elders Youth Women Trusted Source Community Activist

9 Tribal Communications Strategies Tribes have a severe distrust of federal government and government employees Don’t make promises you cannot keep Always ask what is the respectful approach to implementing the sharing of critical or important information Listen for Direction from interpreters and community members Develop Health Education Message with the Tribe

10 Tribal Communications Strategies Watch for body style and facial expressions of your audience Remember you are working with the tribes and not for the tribes Be honest in building relationships (federal Shuffle) not a stranger! Find an interpreter who is respected and recognized member of the community, not a stranger!

11 Tribal Communications Strategies Very circular thinking patterns Tribal symbols, be Tribal Specific, Caution Build you message with the tribal community Be as graphic, picturesque and as visual as possible Talking Circles, beware! Utilize the gossip community Most of all Commitment Earns Respect


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