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Nautical Istitute Vocational Istitute.

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8 Nautical Istitute Vocational Istitute


10 Ipogeic necropolis of ‘’Su Crucifissu Mannu’’ Porto Torres Neolithic age 3.500 years b.C.

11 Ipogeic necropolis of ‘’Su Crucifissu Mannu’’ Porto Torres Neolithic age 3.500 years b.C.

12 Ipogeic necropolis of ‘’Su Crucifissu Mannu’’ Porto Torres Neolithic age 3.500 years b.C.

13 Ipogeic necropolis of ‘’Su Crucifissu Mannu’’ Porto Torres Neolithic age 3.500 years b.C.

14 Ipotetic reconstruct of neolithic house by tumb’s models

15 SINIS: typical house based on neolithic architecture, called ‘’Falasco’’

16 Monumental altar of ‘’Monte d’Accoddi’’, the biggest prehistoric monument on Mediterranean sea, after the pyramids. Porto Torres Neolithic age 4.000 years b.C

17 Ipotetic reconstruct


19 The monument and the village

20 PORTO TORRES: ancient roman bridge. Ith a.C. century

21 Central terms, called ‘’King Barbarian’s house. Ith-IIIth a.C. century


23 PORTO TORRES: San Gavino’s romanic church. XI a.C. century

24 San Gavino’s church is the biggest and most ancient of all romanic churches in Sardinia


26 Gavino, Proto and Gianuario martyres


28 As in Sardinia there is a dance which gets people together, called ’’round dance’’…

29 (Neolithic plate by ‘’Monte d’Accoddi’’ with ‘’round dance’’ scene)

30 …in the same way we hope this meeting is an opportunity to gather all the participants

31 WELCOME IN PORTO TORRES TO Christelijke Scholengemeenschap Comenius College –Capelle aan den Ijssel- NETHERLANDS Panevezys 9th Secondary School –Panevezys- LITHUANIA Escola Basica e Secondaria de Sao Roque do Pico - Sao Roque do Pico- PORTUGAL CC ‘’La Immaculada’’ –Ceuta- SPAIN Gesamtschule Saarbrucken Bellevue –Saarbrucken- GERMANY Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych nr 1 Mikolaia Kopernica –Katowice- POLAND Luleburgaz Lisesi –Kirklareli- TURKEY Istituto Istruzione Superiore ‘’Mario Paglietti’’ –Porto Torres- ITALY

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