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Introduction to the Asset Description Metadata Schema Application Profile (ADMS-AP) March 2014 PwC EU Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Asset Description Metadata Schema Application Profile (ADMS-AP) March 2014 PwC EU Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Asset Description Metadata Schema Application Profile (ADMS-AP) March 2014 PwC EU Services

2 Learning objectives By the end of this module, you will have an understanding of:  What is ADMS  What is an application profile  How ADMS-AP extends ADMS  A practical example of ADMS-AP, describing metadata of an interoperability solution 2

3 Outline Why ADMS? From ADMS to ADMS-AP Classes and properties in ADMS-AP 1. An introduction to ADMS-AP The core class: The Asset UML Class Diagram Controlled vocabulary 2. A description of ADMS-AP’s structure Data Catalogue Application Profile (DCAT-AP) using ADMS-AP 3. A practical example 3

4 4 There are many standardisation organisations, public administrations, and software vendors that have created reusable interoperability solutions for e-Government systems, such as frameworks, methodologies, specifications, tools, and services. Unfortunately, these solutions are not always well documented and they are scattered around on many different websites. As a result, it is impossible for anyone to get a comprehensive overview. The lack of documentation and oversight is a major barrier to the reuse of interoperability solutions. Why ADMS? -> ADMS lowers interoperability barriers & facilitates reuse The ISA Programme intends to overcome this barrier by creating a set of interoperability agreements for metadata management in the form of a common vocabulary, i.e. the Asset Description Metadata Schema (ADMS), and by putting in place a federation of interoperability repositories in Europe on Joinup.

5 5 Why ADMS? -> The solution to the problem ADMS facilitates re-use By providing a standard way to describe interoperability solutions, ADMS makes it possible to federated catalogues of such solutions ADMS helps owners of interoperability solutions to spread their assets to a wider base of users. Moreover, re-users can lower their own costs in semantic assets’ development. ADMS lowers interoperability barriers Because ADMS allows interoperability solutions to be used by more organisations, it also decreases interoperability barriers between those organisations.

6 ADMS: Common vocabulary for semantic interoperability solutions Published in 2011 as part of the ISA Programme Common vocabulary to describe semantic interoperability solutions Makes possible for ICT developers to discover and reuse semantic interoperability solutions through the federation of asset repositories on Joinup However, it focuses exclusively on semantic interoperability solutions Asset Description Metadata Schema 6

7 ADMS to ADMS-AP: Definition of Application Profile An application profile includes the set of metadata elements, policies, and guidelines defined for a particular application or implementation. The elements may be from one or more element sets, thus allowing a given application to meet its functional requirements by using metadata elements from several element sets including locally defined sets (DCMI 2005). An application profile includes the set of metadata elements, policies, and guidelines defined for a particular application or implementation. The elements may be from one or more element sets, thus allowing a given application to meet its functional requirements by using metadata elements from several element sets including locally defined sets (DCMI 2005). 7

8 ADMS-AP: Common vocabulary for all interoperability solutions Extends the ADMS-enabled federation to other types of interoperability solutions, by including solutions which cover legal, organisational and technical interoperabilities ADMS Application profile for Joinup This extension implies: o Extension of ADMS taxonomies and controlled lists o Alignment of ADMS (used for semantic assets) and ADMS.SW (for software) o Ensuring backward compatibility to make sure that properties and classes introduced in former specifications can still be used. 8

9 ADMS-AP: The benefits 9 o Easier to federate interoperability solutions o Easier to search for and to find interoperability solutions o Increased reuse of interoperability solutions o Increased coordination across borders and sectors

10 Providers of interoperability solutions Providers of interoperability solutions are able to make the description metadata of their solutions available on the catalogue on Joinup in a machine-readable format, i.e. in RDF. All metadata on the catalogue conforms to a common vocabulary, i.e. the ADMS-AP Reusers of interoperability solutions Potential reusers of interoperability solutions are able to explore the collection, find and obtain solutions Users can also export and reuse the metadata description of the interoperability solutions available on the catalogue on Joinup, using export services that are put in place. Share and re-use interoperability solutions 10

11 Class terminology in ADMS-AP MandatoryRecommendedOptional A receiver of data MUST be able to process information about instances of the class; a sender of data MUST provide information about instances of the class. A receiver MUST be able to process information about instances of the class; a sender SHOULD provide the information if it is available. A receiver MUST be able to process information about instances of the class; a sender MAY provide the information but is not obliged to do so. EXAMPLES: - Asset (Adms:Asset) - AssetType (skos:Concept) - Publisher (foaf:Agent) - Theme (skos:Concept) EXAMPLES: - Asset Distribution (adms:AssetDistribution) EXAMPLES: - Agent (foaf:Agent) - Asset Repository (adms:AssetRepository) - Checksum (spdx:Checksum) 11

12 Property terminology in ADMS-AP MandatoryRecommendedOptional A receiver MUST be able to process the information for that property; a sender MUST provide the information for that property. A receiver MUST be able to process the information for that property; a sender SHOULD provide the information for that property if it is available. A receiver MUST be able to process the information for that property; a sender MAY provide the information for that property but is not obliged to do so. EXAMPLES: - Asset’s theme (dcat:theme) - Asset’s description (dct:description) - Publisher (dct:publisher) EXAMPLES: - Language (dct:language) - License’s conditions (dct:License) - Title (dct:Title) EXAMPLES: - Asset’s identifiers (adms:Identifier) - File Format (dct:format) - Developer (doap:developer) 12

13 Outline Why ADMS? From ADMS to ADMS-AP Classes and properties in ADMS-AP 1. An introduction to ADMS-AP The core class: The Asset UML Class Diagram Controlled vocabulary 2. A description of ADMS-AP’s structure Data Catalogue Application Profile (DCAT-AP) using ADMS-AP 3. A practical example 13

14 A federated architecture ADMS-AP Repository ADMS-AP Repository ADMS-AP Repository ADMS-AP Repository Using the ADMS Application Profile Public administrations Academic Standardisation bodies Businesses Explore Find Select Obtain 14

15 From Repository to Asset to Distribution Repository Ex: W3C, Eurostat, CEN, etc. Asset Ex: Framework, a specification, a tool, a piece of software, a service, etc. Distribution Ex: pdf, xml, RDF, HTML, etc. 15

16 The core class: the Asset o Abstract entity that reflects the intellectual content of an asset o Represents the characteristics of the asset that are independent from its physical embodiment (i.e. Asset Distribution) o Refers to an interoperability solution 16

17 UML Class Diagram of the ADMS Application Profile for JOINUP 17

18 Controlled vocabulary to be used (1/3) Property URIUsed for classVocabulary adms:interoperabilityLevelAsset ADMS Interoperability Level vocabulary adms:representationTechniqueAsset Distribution ADMS Representation Technique Vocabulary adms:statusAsset, Asset Distribution ADMS Status vocabulary adms:statusSoftware Project Trove Sourceforge Development Status vocabulary admssw:intendedAudienceSoftware Project Trove Sourceforge Intended Audience vocabulary admssw:localeSoftware Project MDR Languages Named Authority List 18

19 Controlled vocabulary to be used (2/3) Property URIUsed for classVocabulary admssw:programmingLanguageSoftware Project Trove Sourceforge Programming Language vocabulary admssw:userInterfaceTypeSoftware Project Trove Sourceforge User Interface / Graphical Environment vocabulary dcat:themeAsset EuroVoc domains dcat:themeSoftware Project Trove Sourceforge Topic vocabulary dcat:themeTaxonomyAsset Repository EuroVoc dct:formatAsset Distribution MDR File Type Named Authority List 19

20 Controlled vocabulary to be used (3/3) Property URIUsed for classVocabulary dct:languageAsset MDR Languages Named Authority List dct:spatialAsset,Asset Repository MDR Countries Named Authority List, MDR Places Named Authority List dct:typeAsset ADMS Asset Type vocabulary dct:typeLicence Document ADMS Licence Type vocabulary dct:typePublisher ADMS Publisher Type vocabulary schema:operatingSystemSoftware Project Trove Sourceforge Operating System vocabulary 20

21 Outline Why ADMS? From ADMS to ADMS-AP Classes and properties in ADMS-AP 1. An introduction to ADMS-AP The core class: The Asset UML Class Diagram Controlled vocabulary 2. A description of ADMS-AP’s structure Data Catalogue Application Profile (DCAT-AP) using ADMS-AP 3. A practical example 21

22 Practical example: Sample description metadata of the Data Catalogue Application Profile (DCAT-AP) using ADMS-AP a adms:Asset ; dct:title “DCAT Application Profile for data portals in Europe”@en ; skos:altLabel “DCAT-AP”@en ; dct:publisher ; dct:type ; dcat:distribution. a adms:AssetDistribution ; dcat:mediaType ; dct:license. 22

23 Practical example: Sample description metadata of the Data Catalogue Application Profile (DCAT-AP) using ADMS-AP An Asset, i.e. DCAT-AP is defined, along with its title, publisher and type (mandatory attributes in ADMS-AP) A Distribution is defined, completing information about the media type and the licence (mandatory attributes in ADMS-AP) A link is defined between Asset and Distribution 23

24 Conclusion ADMS is a common vocabulary launched to increase reuse of semantic interoperability solutions and, therefore, reduce interoperability barriers ADMS-AP extends ADMS to focus on all types of interoperability solutions ADMS-AP is an Application Profile with a well-defined structure ADMS-AP facilitates both the sharing and reusing of interoperability solutions More than 40 repositories across Europe have shared description metadata of their interoperability solutions on the Interoperability Solutions on Joinup to make them searchable 24

25 Related learning resources How to import and export ADMS-AP conform metadata of interoperability solutions on JoinupHow to import and export ADMS-AP conform metadata of interoperability solutions on Joinup Introduction to the Open Refine RDF tool Introduction to metadata cleansing using SPARQL Using Joinup as catalogue for interoperability solutions Introduction to the advanced search functionality of EFIR 25

26 Disclaimers 1.The views expressed in this presentation are purely those of the authors and may not, in any circumstances, be interpreted as stating an official position of the European Commission. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information included in this presentation, nor does it accept any responsibility for any use thereof. Reference herein to any specific products, specifications, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by the European Commission. All care has been taken by the author to ensure that s/he has obtained, where necessary, permission to use any parts of manuscripts including illustrations, maps, and graphs, on which intellectual property rights already exist from the titular holder(s) of such rights or from her/his or their legal representative. 2.This presentation has been carefully compiled by PwC, but no representation is made or warranty given (either express or implied) as to the completeness or accuracy of the information it contains. PwC is not liable for the information in this presentation or any decision or consequence based on the use of it. PwC will not be liable for any damages arising from the use of the information contained in this presentation. The information contained in this presentation is of a general nature and is solely for guidance on matters of general interest. This presentation is not a substitute for professional advice on any particular matter. No reader should act on the basis of any matter contained in this publication without considering appropriate professional advice.

27 Follow @Joinup_EU on Twitter Join the CISR community on Joinup Project Officer Get involved Visit our initiatives 27 Joinup and ADMS are funded by the ISA ProgrammeISA Programme

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