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The official title for OER 2010: Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web … Prof Peter Hartley, University of Bradford

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Presentation on theme: "The official title for OER 2010: Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web … Prof Peter Hartley, University of Bradford"— Presentation transcript:

1 The official title for OER 2010: Supporting student groupwork through multimedia and web … Prof Peter Hartley, University of Bradford

2 The real question: Do we know how students behave in groups (and how can we help them)? Prof Peter Hartley, University of Bradford

3 The real question: Do we know how students behave in groups (and how can we help them)? NB Potential for research!

4 This session Background The ‘problem’ of group behaviour: –Do we know what students do? –Examples of relevant research/evidence How to help students work in groups? –The LearnHigher resource as one part of a possible answer Demo and Discussion

5 Background: building on LearnHigher CETL initiative Success at ALT-C09: 2 awards –JORUM Learning and Teaching Competition –ALT/Epigeum Use of Video Continuing development: –Peter Hartley & Mark Dawson, University of Bradford –Carol Elston & Julia Braham, University of Leeds

6 The problem of groups #1 Why worry? student groups in HE - the current context: –increasing use of group projects (alongside decreasing staff support) –groups now used in all subject areas – pressures to develop ‘key skills’ and employability –pressures to ‘reflect’

7 The problem of groups #2: we do not know how student groups behave… Some examples: –How do/do students become ‘teams’? -What is the best way of creating effective student groups? -Does student group work prepare students for the workforce? –How does assessment affect group process?

8 Example: How do student project groups develop? what the textbooks usually say about group development: – forming/ storming/ norming/ performing

9 Example: How do student project groups develop? what the textbooks usually say about group development: – forming/ storming/ norming/ performing what one study found: – initial enthusiasm and effort – apathy sets in after first couple of sessions – group has ‘crisis’ or ‘panic’ at halfway stage – if they resolve this then they complete effectively, but if not ….

10 Example: How do student project groups develop? what we found at Bradford with 3 rd year Life Science students: –no coherent patterns – no real support for existing theories –importance of the ‘halfway meeting’

11 Problem of groups #3: Students worry about groups Who will be in my group? "if you are put with friends it can make it difficult to criticise others” Will I be assessed fairly? “how can the tutor really tell who’s done all the work?” How can I be sure others won't let me down? "it is hard to get everyone to turn up to meetings and if they produce badly, they can drag your mark down" What can I do if others do let me down? "the worst thing about being in a group is not being able to rely on members to turn up to meetings What will others in the group think of me? "group work is about getting to know other students better" Why does this have to be group work? " it is a much bigger commitment than doing the work for yourself"

12 Issues seem to vary …

13 List of issues in order of importance. based on SHU student views (other survey results) 1. Membership of group itself (1.) 2. Social aspects (10.) 3. Issues of control and influence (2.) 4. Equity of allocation of marks (3.) 5. Maintaining momentum (11.) 6. Time management (6.) 7. Product versus process (4.) 8. Equity of assessment method (5.) 9. Public nature of work (4.) 10. Reciprocal nature of groupwork (7.) 11. What happens in meetings (8.)

14 Moving to our resource: Rationale Need a ‘good’ and interactive resource on groupwork for students –Video stimulates and supports learning (National Teaching Training Institute, 2003) –Lack of ‘good’ quality, accessible resources Potential for evaluation/research and further development –Have we developed the right issues? –Does our student group look ‘convincing enough’ –Are these interactions representative?

15 Key features of the resource Flexible for both staff and students Encourage students to inquire into group process Must not offer ‘one best way’ Must have potential for further expansion and development

16 The Plan Consultation process Confirm timeline of episodes Establish Content inc problem clip; associated questions; discussion points; links Check design works Revise and complete Evaluate Disseminate

17 Group work Timeline: Example Episodes The first meeting How do we get started? Rob isn’t committed How do we behave on presentation day? Do we need a leader?

18 Behind the Scenes Identifying the learning outcomes Devising the scripts Working with the actors, director and camera operators

19 A rich visual experience!

20 From the top

21 Real students?

22 Key design points Web delivery structured around ‘episodes’ ‘believable’ video clips two screens: ‘descriptive’ and ‘analysis’ different perspectives for analysis/discussion flexibility for staff and students ability to add further links/resources

23 Structure of the final product Overview The ‘descriptive’ screen –Video of the group in action –Background info and discussion points The ‘analysis’ screen –Alternative or additional video –Analysis of interaction –Hints and tips –Links to further resources



26 Examples of use from Bradford (both Level 1) Communication in an Information Age –Screen 1 first week then Screen 2 the following week then reflection Psychology at Level 1 –Introduced problems of group working leading to group project supported by reflection

27 Please have a go … What you like and don’t like Will your students use it? How would you want to use it? Any ways we can further improve/develop?

28 Where now? Issues Ownership and commitment Resource available to develop What we need to do Integrate into classroom practice Respond to more feedback from students and staff Adding further supporting links/materials Promoting and evaluating different applications, e.g. mobile application

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