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Construction Management Two 2014 Setting up Site Presenter Tony Bosnich Feb 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Construction Management Two 2014 Setting up Site Presenter Tony Bosnich Feb 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Construction Management Two 2014 Setting up Site Presenter Tony Bosnich Feb 2014

2 >>FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT Out come Accept that all sites are unique Plan and set up site establishment accordingly >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION

3 >>FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT Every site is unique but generally it is a matter of using a check list type of approach details based on historical details relating to similar projects. What are some of the items you would consider on your check list. Write down ten items. What do we need in order to carry out this project successfully. >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION


5 >>FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT Public protection Survey and set out Fences Access gates Signage Hazard Board Craneage Other lifting provision Temporary works Special formwork Site hut establishment Special false work Loading in platform Road Load bay Storage Set down area Wheel wash provision Site assembly area Silt pond Temp fire fighting provision Temporary weather proofing Temporary services Temporary access provision Traffic control Scaffolding Plant and equipment Any others to add? Here are some, >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

6 >>FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT What are the site set up Elements of this Picture? Public protection Traffic plan Signage Scaffolding Environmental Hoardings Look at this site >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER



9 >>FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT But as part of the site set up some items will be soft. Safety plan PPE Quality plan Communication system Insurances Planning /Programming Method statements Computer set up Agreements, contracts Copier Site rules and requirements Documents Inductions Sub contractor provision Crane and plant booking arrangements Plant maintenance and testing provision Any others ? These are all considered to be hard physical items. >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

10 >>FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT There maybe be an area allocated for site establishment by the consultants. Note also most buildings actually cover the whole site now, so the trend now is to remove MC main site establishment to exterior of site. Most of the requirements will have already been established based on your pre contract planning, and usually only one site visit. What is the main reason for including site set up details in the pre contract planning. Where do we do this set up. >>DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION

11 >>FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT There are no details drawn by any consultant as this is a P&G items and it is up to the Main contractor how they want to set up the site, hence it is not a detailed measured item. Where to start? Clear Site plan to suitable scale Existing details >>DEPARTMENT TITLE EDIT IN HEADER & FOOTER

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