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Five Fav’s World History Honors Maisie O’Meara To Block or Not to Block? Mother Teresa – Fav’s – Blocked Jane Addams – Fav’s – Blocked.

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2 Five Fav’s World History Honors Maisie O’Meara

3 To Block or Not to Block? Mother Teresa – Fav’s – Blocked Jane Addams – Fav’s – Blocked

4 FIVE FAV’S Mother Teresa

5 Jane Addams Jane Addams was a social activist who worked in the slums just like Mother Teresa. Jane and Mother Teresa had very similar views and values. Also, they both devoted themselves to helping others. For these reasons, Jane Addams would definitely be on Mother Teresa’s “five fav’s” list.

6 Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Ghandi could almost be considered a man version of Mother Teresa. He was very focused on spiritual and religious aspects of life, as was she. They were both very generous people who would definitely prefer peace over violence. Therefore, Gandhi would be a very likely person on Mother Teresa’s “five fav’s” list.

7 Pope John Paul II Pope John Paul II was a person that Mother Teresa really admired and looked up to. They were obviously both Roman Catholics, so they shared many beliefs and values. Before Mother Teresa died, one of her main goals was to visit Pope John Paul II one last time. So, one can see that he was a very important person in her life. Thus, it is probable that this man was one of the people on Mother Teresa’s “five fav’s” list.

8 Elizabeth Fry Elizabeth Fry was an English social reformer. Just like Mother Teresa, this woman had goals to be a very great impact on the public. She reached these goals by playing a major role in the prison reform in Europe, and by helping to improve the British hospital system. So, she was very similar to Mother Teresa in that she had a great desire to help others. For these reasons, one could assume that Elizabeth Fry would be on Mother Teresa’s “five fav’s” list.

9 Charleszetta Waddles Charleszetta Waddles had the same feelings to the poor as Mother Teresa did. Also, again like Mother Teresa, Waddles was a nun. She is famous for selling donated, used cars and using the money to provide food, clothes, medicine, or furniture for the poor. Waddles would have been a very likely person to be on Mother Teresa’s “five fav’s” list.

10 FIVE BLOCKED Mother Teresa

11 Adolph Hitler Adolph Hitler was one of the most evil men in history. He had no concern for the wellness of others and did not have problems with causing people severe harm and pain. These qualities are obviously ones that Mother Teresa would not approve of; therefore, Hitler would definitely be a person that she would block from her phone.

12 Josef Stalin Josef Stalin is another very cruel man in history. In fact, he was extremely similar to Hitler. He held purges which killed hundreds of people at a time, and oftentimes those people were killed for extremely ridiculous reasons. This man would definitely not be someone Mother Teresa would talk to often, so he would most likely be blocked from her phone.

13 Isabella of Castile Isabella of Castile had very opposite views from those of Mother Teresa. She was the first Inquisitor General of the inquisition. So, her job was to either remove or convert Jews and Muslims. Mother Teresa believed that religion should not matter when it comes to equality of people, so she would obviously not agree with Isabella’s ways. Most likely, Mother Teresa would block this woman from her phone.

14 Pol Pot Pol Pot was a prime minister of Cambodia. He was a rather powerful leader, but not in a good way. He relocated people from the city to labor farms where they suffered many hardships. Approximately two million Cambodians were killed under this man’s rule. Mother Teresa would probably not want to talk to this man because of his extremely evil ways, so he would most likely be blocked from her phone.

15 Williamina Dean Williamina Dean, also known as “Minnie”, is probably one of the cruelest women ever. She had what was called a baby farm which was a place where unmarried mothers could take their babies. These babies were then raised by the owners of the farm who were paid for doing it. Well, instead of taking care of the babies, Dean murdered them and kept the money. Just like almost anybody else, Mother Teresa would be horrified to hear that story, and this woman would surely be blocked from Mother Teresa’s phone.

16 FIVE FAV’S Jane Addams

17 Mother Teresa Mother Teresa was a social activist just like Jane Addams. Both of these women worked in the slums and took great pride in doing it. They both valued generosity and encouraged others to try and help out those in need. If these two women had been living at the same time period in history, there is a good chance that they would have been friends. Hence, it is likely that Mother Teresa would be on Jane Addams’ “five fav’s” list.

18 John Addams John Addams was Jane Addams’ father. He had a major influence on his daughter’s life. John encouraged Jane to take on higher education so she would be able to do well in life, and he always believed in her. Jane was always very devoted to her father, and he would have certainly been on her “five fav’s” list.

19 Ellen Gates Starr Ellen Gates Starr was Jane Addams’ very close friend and working associate. Ellen was a major help to Jane when the Hull House was first getting started. Without Ellen, Jane would not have been able to accomplish as much as she did; therefore, the loyal friend would undoubtedly be on Jane's “five fav’s” list.

20 Maggie Kuhn Maggie Kuhn had many similar qualities as Jane Addams. They were both social workers who wanted to make people’s lives better. Kuhn founded the “Gray Panthers” which was a group dedicated to improving life for senior citizens. Jane Addams would definitely be pleased with Maggie Kuhn’s efforts and most likely would include her on her “five fav’s” list.

21 Susan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony was a very accomplished woman who was quite a bit like Jane Addams. She was a social reformer and a major participant in the fight for women’s rights. Anthony was the co-founder of the National American Woman Suffrage Association- a group that Addams was later involved in also. Because of this woman’s similar views, she would probably be on Jane Addams’ “five fav’s” list.

22 FIVE BLOCKED Jane Addams

23 Adolph Hitler Adolph Hitler was one of the most wicked men in history. He did not care at all if his actions caused other people to suffer severely, and, unlike Jane Addams, he did not care about people with troubled lives. In fact, basically if a person was not almost perfect according to his standards, he would kill him/her. These qualities would be very unappealing to Jane Addams; therefore, Hitler would definitely be a person that she would block from her phone.

24 Josef Stalin Josef Stalin is another very malicious man in history. Actually, he was, in many ways, very similar to Hitler. He held purges which killed hundreds of people at a time, and oftentimes those people were killed for rather ridiculous reasons. Stalin would certainly not be someone Jane Addams would want to talk to often, so he would probably be blocked from her phone.

25 Beverly Allitt Beverly Allitt is one of Britain’s most infamous serial killers. She was a pediatric nurse who murdered or seriously injured many children before she was caught. Jane Addams would definitely not approve of this woman’s actions because Addams was very kind and generous to children. Thus, Beverly Allitt would for sure be blocked from Jane Addams’ phone.

26 Pol Pot Pol Pot was a very evil prime minister of Cambodia. He relocated people from the city to labor farms where they suffered many hardships. Approximately two million Cambodians were killed under this man’s rule. Unlike Jane Addams, Pol Pot focused on being cruel to people, not on helping them. So, most likely he would be blocked on her phone.

27 Dorothea Puente Dorothea Puente was a woman who ran a boarding house for poor people. One would think from this information that Jane Addams would like this woman because Addams’ whole life was focused on helping the poor. However, Puente was not kind to these people once they were in her home; she secretly killed them and used the money that was sent in to residents for herself. Unlike Addams this woman was very selfish, so she is one person who would definitely be blocked.


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