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UMHS Dominos Family Medicine Pam Szymanski, RN, Complex Care Nurse Navigator.

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Presentation on theme: "UMHS Dominos Family Medicine Pam Szymanski, RN, Complex Care Nurse Navigator."— Presentation transcript:

1 UMHS Dominos Family Medicine Pam Szymanski, RN, Complex Care Nurse Navigator

2 Patient with Diabetes: New Diagnosis Patient identification ◦ PCP referral to Moderate Care Manager or Complex Care Manager  Complex Care Manager continues to follow if patient is in caseload has DM diagnosis  Moderate care nurses may work with the patient for diabetes education ◦ CCM will refer patient to MCM  CCM will schedule patient to see the MCM ◦ For patients who were admitted to hospital due to diabetes: CCM conferences with PCP to determine if patient benefits from Endocrine Specialist. May also see the PCP

3 Patient with Diabetes Diagnosis Panel Manager ◦ Medical Assistant with responsibility for working with the electronic registry to identify gaps in care Pilot at Dominos Family Medicine: ◦ Panel Manager pulls a gap report on patients that have Diabetes with an A1c 7.0 or greater this is then given to the physician ◦ Physician identifies which patients would benefit from Diabetic education and send this information back to the panel manager

4 Patient with Diabetes Diagnosis (continued) ◦ Panel Manager schedules the patient with the Moderate care nurse for Diabetic education on a day the patient is seeing the physician  If unable to reach the patient or no physician appointment is scheduled an encounter is sent to the moderate care nurse to follow up ◦ Moderate care nurse also identify patients with elevated A1c of 7.0 or greater when triaging and follow up with the physician if diabetic education is warranted

5 System Level EPIC EMR has alerts for urine micro albumin and foot exam Registry List – Moderate care nurse receives a list of patients with a A1C > 7 identified as appropriate for diabetes education by the physician Outreach - Birthday letter Panel manager pulls gap report from EMR on Best Practice alerts (BPA) and if annual testing has not been done calls the patient and schedules an appointment or submits a lab requisition dependent on what BPA has not been completed annually

6 Practice Level Staff Resources Dietician ◦ referrals placed by Moderate care nurse, CCM (according to physician/practice established standing orders) Pharm D ◦ Moderate care nurse, PCP, CCM refers patient to Pharm D for medication barriers: ex compliance, side effects, financial barriers (according to physician/practice established standing orders) Panel Manager ◦ described above

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