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S TATEWIDE A SSESSMENTS AND I NSTRUCTIONAL S UPPORTS PA Department of Education Annual Conference 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "S TATEWIDE A SSESSMENTS AND I NSTRUCTIONAL S UPPORTS PA Department of Education Annual Conference 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 S TATEWIDE A SSESSMENTS AND I NSTRUCTIONAL S UPPORTS PA Department of Education Annual Conference 2014

2 O VERVIEW Review IEP Section IV changes Identify upcoming changes to the PA Alternate State Assessments Provide instructional tools to support best practice

3 R EVISED IEP – S ECTION IV: A SSESSMENTS IEP teams will determine successful completion of graduation requirements for students with disabilities The team will decide if the student meets Chapter 4 criterion of proficiency on the Keystone or other graduation requirements (i.e. Project-Based Assessment, validated local assessments). To complete Section 4 – the IEP team must check the assessment the student will take, with or without accommodations, and write in the accommodations to be utilized.


5 T RANSITION TO U PDATED A SSESSMENTS Keystone End-of-Course Exams Implemented 2012-13 for 11 th grade accountability English Composition starts 2014-15 Standards Aligned PSSA Math and ELA Tests Field testing 2013 & 2014 Operational in 2015 Passage-based essay; grades 4-8 in 2015 Composition & Languages skills for all grades 3-8 in 2015 Science PSSA – transition not scheduled

6 A LTERNATE A SSESSMENT T RANSITIONS Implementation of new ELA & Math assessments in Spring, 2015 Science will remain the same with piloting of new science items for 2015

7 T RANSITION G UIDELINES Link to online location of the Accommodations GuidelinesAccommodations Guidelines Keep in mind – Accommodations should be shared with teachers, parents, and test administrators Use accommodations to guide IEP decision making Accommodations used for assessment should be used in day to day instruction Accommodations must be documented in the IEP

8 I NSTRUCTIONAL R ESOURCES PA Connectors Element Cards Math English Language Arts Scripted and Systematic Instruction Templates MASSIs LASSIs




12 A DDITIONAL R ESOURCES – A DAPTED T EXTS UDL Book Builder – http://bookbuilder.cast.org Tar Heel Reader – Bookshare – https://www.bookshare.org

13 H ELPFUL L INKS 2014 Accommodation Guidelines - nity/state_assessment_system/20965/pennsylvania_sy stem_of_school_assessment_%28pssa%29/1190526 nity/state_assessment_system/20965/pennsylvania_sy stem_of_school_assessment_%28pssa%29/1190526 MASSI - LASSI - nguage_Arts_Sample_Systematic_Instruction_Script_ (LASSIS):_Elementary_Informational_Text nguage_Arts_Sample_Systematic_Instruction_Script_ (LASSIS):_Elementary_Informational_Text Element Card Examples - me=aligning_instruction_and_assessment_to_p me=aligning_instruction_and_assessment_to_p

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