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« Euroregions as a form of integration of border territories»

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1 « Euroregions as a form of integration of border territories»


3 By the beginning of 2003 three Euroregions have been created in Belarus: 1 Euroregion Bug with Brest oblast and border regions of Poland and Ukraine participating in it 2 Euroregion Neman with Grodno oblast and the attached regions of Poland and Lithuania 3 Euroregion Lake Land with participation of Vitebsk oblast and regions of Latvia and Lithuania

4 On the 29-th of April 2003 a Border community Euroregion “Dnepr” was founded with participation of border regions of Belarus, Chernigov oblast of Ukraine and Brjansk oblast of Russia.


6 We consider it possible for Gomel oblast to join the Euroregion Bug. This could intensify development of border relations with Poland and Ukraine and give this region an access to Russian border

7 Polesje

8 TRENDS OF COOPERATION OF REGIONS-PARTICIPANTS OF EUROREGION BUG Administrative reforms Local / regional economical development Welfare programmes Ecology and energy-saving Management of local and regional government structures Support and development of smaller and medium enterprises City’s social issues and health care policy Environment protection and ecology improvement Democratic institutions on local and regional level Economic planning and industry conversion. Economic development of separate sectors National minorities integration Recycling strategies Finance and budget activity Development strategies and tourism development Youth policyTransport and traffic management Decision making procedure on local and regional authorities level Control strategies over unemployment growth Education. Development of labor market Efficient power supply and control over energy consuming Public relations (e.g. information support) Diversification of agricultural production Usage of alternative energy source

9 Working groups The Council of Euroregion Bug Inspection Commission The Board of the Council SECRETARIAT National Bureau of Secretariat town of Helm National Bureau of Secretariat town of Lutsk National Bureau of Secretariat town of Brest Regional Bureau town of Gomel for Environment protection and improvement for territory accomplishment, communication and transport for certification, information and data bases for education, healthcare, culture sport and young people for contacts between local government and population for safety and emergency situations Organizational scheme of Euroregion Bug Government

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