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Folie 1 DG Regio Open Days, Brussels, 29‘th of September 2004 Gerd Hager / Pat Ruppert Walzing from the Rhine to the Bug – CBC Know-how for New Neighbourhood.

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Presentation on theme: "Folie 1 DG Regio Open Days, Brussels, 29‘th of September 2004 Gerd Hager / Pat Ruppert Walzing from the Rhine to the Bug – CBC Know-how for New Neighbourhood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Folie 1 DG Regio Open Days, Brussels, 29‘th of September 2004 Gerd Hager / Pat Ruppert Walzing from the Rhine to the Bug – CBC Know-how for New Neighbourhood Shouldn‘t we utilise INTERREG A experience for EU Enlargement, in particular for the New Schengen Border Regions? A review by Dr. Gerd Hager, board member of the Regio PAMINA – Association, a French – German INTERREG III A border region at the Rhine, and Patricia Ruppert, MD of the DWH (German Belorussian House), having conducted a TACIS CBC Project at Brest / Poland border region

2 Gerd Hager / Pat Ruppert Folie 2 DG Open Days, Brussels, 29‘th of September Planning Board of the Middle Upper Rhine / Member of Board of PAMINA Association Office of Economic Development Karlsruhe / Pamina Club of Economic Patroness Brest Regional Executive Committee (Oblast) with FEZ (Free Economic Zone) Bialski Poviat / province Administration and City of Biala-Podlaska DWH / German – Belorussian House, Germany and Belarus), the project interface „TRIC Platform Brest / Biala-Podlaska“ and the main partners (D/F/PL/BY) TACIS CBC SPF Programme 2002

3 Gerd Hager / Pat Ruppert Folie 3 DG Open Days, Brussels, 29‘th of September Overall Aims and Activities To foster and intensify the cross- border co-operation between Brest Region (BY) / Biala Podlaska (PL) To develop new scope and ranges of interaction for the regional authorities in face of the new Schengen border and EU- enlargement To transfer long-lasting experience of a European border region on example of Regio PAMINA (Palatinate, Middle Upper Rhine and North Alsace) Focus: to increase the transparency of Brest border regions bilateral and trilateral interaction with Poland and Ukraine Trainees for high ranking decision makers of the local and regional authorities in cross-border promotion of economic development, regional planning and regional development Study trips to PAMINA border region and establishment of professional contacts with the regional bodies (institutions) Development of the TRIC-Platform – representing the border region as one entity and providing information about the border region Parenting cross-border agreements between the local / regional bodies of the Polish and Belorussian side Duration: 12 month, EU grant 200.000 Euro

4 Gerd Hager / Pat Ruppert Folie 4 DG Open Days, Brussels, 29‘th of September The Internet Platform TRIC ( will help to make this border „more transparent“ using state-of-the-art communication technology.

5 Gerd Hager / Pat Ruppert Folie 5 DG Open Days, Brussels, 29‘th of September The CBC Info Centre Brest Border The Brest CBC Info Center is located in Brest down town: Pushkinskaya, 1 Brest 224005, Belarus Tel: +375 (162) 222058 E-mail: 2002 1991 Info Best Lauterbourg For the first time a citizen-friendly cross- border information centre is established in Brest It follows the „Infobest PAMINA“ Lauterbourg It is open to all travellers and commuters wishing to cross the border, likewise to the general public interested in getting information

6 Gerd Hager / Pat Ruppert Folie 6 DG Open Days, Brussels, 29‘th of September Similarities and dissimilarities Rhine Bug The spatial development concept PAMINA A SWOT analysis for the border space – also necessery for Brest border region

7 Gerd Hager / Pat Ruppert Folie 7 DG Open Days, Brussels, 29‘th of September A long path to Regio PAMINA

8 Gerd Hager / Pat Ruppert Folie 8 DG Open Days, Brussels, 29‘th of September Decision Making Structure of Regio PAMINA Association Board   Association‘s Assembly Local and regional authorities (30 Members)    Financial Committee  Spatial Development Committee  Environment/Tourism Committee  Secretary

9 Gerd Hager / Pat Ruppert Folie 9 DG Open Days, Brussels, 29‘th of September Integration specific criteria of a CBC I F S P S = spatial structures P = spatial processes V = spatial interveawing K = space affecting forces

10 Gerd Hager / Pat Ruppert Folie 10 DG Open Days, Brussels, 29‘th of September Iceberg Theory’ in CBC spatial planning and development The local and regional authorities and their interaction. Internal factors: Structure and Process Which theory and science about the space, if at all? The obvious CBC e.g. Common activities of citizens, NGO‘s and other stakeholders External factors: Environment How is what done? How is it conceptualised and to which degree? The theoretical frame: e.g EU‘s Cohesion Policy, the corresponding policies of the CIS states, the New Neighbourhood Policy. The basics.

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