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Engineering and Technology for INNOVATION in Portugal: A study on the dynamics of technological change Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research,

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering and Technology for INNOVATION in Portugal: A study on the dynamics of technological change Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Engineering and Technology for INNOVATION in Portugal: A study on the dynamics of technological change Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, IN+ Instituto Superior Tecnico TITLE

3 … a team work ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Research Center: Innovation, Technology & Policy M.Sc.: Engineering Policy and Management of IST, but international context!

4 … strong international context! Basic Remarks... … avoid easy solutions for complex problems! The goal for the meeting: informal discussion….

5 the way in which firms and entrepreneurs create value by exploiting change Defining INNOVATION...

6 In view of the current economic context, in which INNOVATION is a key driving force for sustainable development, what are the challenges faced by ENGINEERING and TECHNOLOGY to enhance and nurture INNOVATION? The OBJECTIVES of our study …define priorities? At which level?

7 WHY / To WHOM? 1. To improve the knowledge base on “INNOVATION FOR PORTUGAL in the international context” ….for: scholars / students / researchers corporate leaders 2. To propose a VISION for the improvement of the innovation performance of the Portuguese society …. for: decision makers in the private and public sector, academia The OBJECTIVES of our study- 2

8 The expected contribution of the ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The specific OBJECTIVES......of this meeting To evaluate empirical analysis what trends are we missing? To evaluate the strategy and vision considered How challenging are we? How to effectively influence decision makers?

9 To raise questions on what are the main challenges faced by Portuguese firms in terms of technological innovation The specific OBJECTIVES......of this meeting To discuss issues that can provide opportunities f for innovation To discuss a conceptual framework for innovation

10 7 Groups of QUESTIONS 1. The low productivity of the Portuguese economy: destiny or transition? 2. How to foster innovation domestically, as companies organize their activities globally? 3. Information society?...or learning economy? 4. Which role for the state? Initiate change or preserving the current status? 5. Fostering innovation from public investment in critical infrastructures? 6. Why is the University not driving innovation? 7. How important is social capital? … and social cohesion?

11 The evidence (Table 1.3; page 1.7) The relative importance of structure vs. intensity of innovation (Table 2.1; page 2.8) The intensity of R&D (Figure 1.6; page 1.19) The educational level (Figure 1.4; page 1.17) What else?... 1. The low productivity of the Portuguese economy: destiny or transition?

12 2. How to foster innovation domestically, as companies organize their activities globally? The evidence (Table 1.1; page 1.2) The “quality” of FDI? Start-ups in the global arena: how to become international? The role of large “anchor firms” What else?...

13 3. Information society?...or learning economy? Some evidence (Table 1.3; page 1.11) Will the diffusion of ICTs improve the productivity of the Portuguese economy? The accelerated diffusion of ICTs in Portugal (Figure 1.2; page 1.15; Figure 1.3; Page 1.16) From ICTs to the Learning Economy What else?...

14 4. Which role for the state? Initiate change or preserving the current status? The fundamental characteristic of innovation is “creative destruction” (Schumpeter) How to balance the need for “security” and job preservation with the challenges of change and uncertainty? How to balance public investments for short term objectives with longer term education and R&D? What else?...

15 5. Fostering innovation from public investment in critical infrastructures? How to leverage large public investments in public infrastructures to promote innovation and broader economic benefits? Physical infrastructure: health care, transports, energy. Information society: telecom, Internet, computers. What else?...

16 6. Why is the University not driving innovation? State vs. public universities: how to structure the relationship between the government and universities? How to structure links with society? How to promote change? What else?...

17 7. How important is social capital? … and social cohesion? Physical capital, human capital, and… social capital? Some evidence (Figure 1.5; page 1.18) Networks, cooperation, clusters. What to do with those that are left behind? What else?...

18 7 Groups of QUESTIONS 1. The low productivity of the Portuguese economy: destiny or transition? 2. How to foster innovation domestically, as companies organize their activities globally? 3. Information society?...or learning economy? 4. Which role for the state? Initiate change or preserving the current status? 5. Fostering innovation from public investment in critical infrastructures? 6. Why is the University not driving innovation? 7. How important is social capital? … and social cohesion?

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