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Period 5 3a-3b Self check Section B 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒.

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Presentation on theme: "Period 5 3a-3b Self check Section B 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒."— Presentation transcript:


2 Period 5 3a-3b Self check Section B 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 2016年6月3日星期W5时59分22秒 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.

3 The man is Abing. He was born in Wuxi in 1893. He wrote many pieces of beautiful music. He was a folk musician. One of his most moving pieces of music in China is Erquan Yingyue. …… Retell the story about Abing and his music.

4 Role-play the following conversation. A: What kind of music do you like best? B: I like music that is sad. A: Why do you like this kind of music? B: I think sad music is strangely beautiful. A: How do you feel when you listen to this kind of music? B: I feel sad and want to cry when I listen to it.

5 What kind of music or movies do you like best? What is your favorite song / movie? Make notes in the chart below. Favorite kind of music Historical drama Why I like this kind of music /movie make me aware of some important historical events and how they affected people's lives Favorite song/movieGone with the Wind 3a

6 Why I like this kind of music/movie It has a very interesting storyline and an excellent cast. How this song/movie makes me feel deeply moved- sad about the effects of war, but has hope in the human spirit Why I think others should listen to/watch this song/movie one of the best movies of all time

7 Use your notes to write an article for a newspaper or magazine to tell people about your favorite kind of music/movie and your favorite song/movie. My favorite kind of music/movie is… I like…. Because… It was by... When I listen to/watch it, I feel… I think you should listen to/watch it too because... 3b

8 My favorite kind of movie is the historical drama. I like historical drama because they are a relaxing way for me to learn history and the effects that a historical event had on people's lives. My favorite movie is Gone with the Wind. It was made in 1939, based on a prize-winning novel by Margaret Michell.

9 The movie's plot is set against the American Civil War and it has an amazing cast that helps bring the story to life. When I watch this movies, I feel deeply moved. It makes me feel sad about the effects of the war, but it also gives me hope in the strength of the human spirit. I think you should watch this movie, too because it is one of the most greatest movies of all time.


11 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. plenty of suppose war electronic actor spare 1.The comedy has _________ dialogs which are very humorous. 2. Since you prefer music that is relaxing, I don’t ________ you would want to buy this _________ music CD. plenty of suppose electronic 1

12 3. Christmas is a for spreading joy, so you should find some_______ time to spend with your family and friends. 4. Although he is an ______ who does not have much experience, he did an excellent job in the new_______ film. spare actor war

13 Fill in the blanks with who or that/which. More than one answer may be possible. A: Hi, Cindy! Would you like to see Sky High in 2050 this weekend? B: Hmm…no, I don’t think movies __________ try to describe the future are very interesting. could we see City Danger instead? A: you mean, the new police story __________ was filmed in five countries? that/which 2

14 B : Yes, that’s the one. The actor ________ plays the hero used to be a schoolteacher! A: OK, sure. It sounds like something _____we both will enjoy! that/who that

15 Complete the sentences about yourself. 1. I don’t like music_____________. 2. I enjoy spending time in places_________ __________. 3. I have friends___________________ __________________. 4. I like movie stars_________________. that is to loud which are interesting who share the same hobby with me who are beautiful 3


17 感悟中考 ( 2013. 安徽) I still remember the college and the teachers ______ I visited in London years ago. A what B who C that D which 解析: 此时的先行词为 the college and the teachers 即包含人也包含物,所以关系代词只能选 that.

18 感悟中考 ( 2013. 滨州) Most students like the teachers ______ understand them well. A what B who C that D which 解析:此时的先行词为 the teachers 且在定语从句中作表语,所以关系代词选 who.

19 感悟中考 ( 2013. 内江) People are talking about the old houses ______ Jackie Chan bought in Anhui twenty years ago. A which B who C where D when 解析: 此时的先行词为 the old houses 指物,且作 brought 的宾语,所以关系代词为 that 或 which.

20 感悟中考 ( 2013. 白银) Many old men prefer ______ in a peaceful countryside. A. to live B. liveing C. live D. lived 解析: prefer to do sth 或者 prefer doing sth. 都是更喜欢做某但 live 的 ing 形式为 living , 固, B 选项形式错误,只能选 A 。

21 感悟中考 ( 2013. 苏州) I am sure Cindy will be able to find the hotel, she has a pretty good ______ of direction. A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense 解析: sense 感觉。符合句意。

22 感悟中考 ( 2013. 聊城) -----I will go to the countryside to see my grandmother this afternoon, so I can’t go swimming with you. ----- ______. A. It’s my pleasure B. you are welcome C. That’s a pity D. Sure, I am 解析:根据句意,选 “ 那太遗憾了 ”, 符合句意。

23 What is your favorite book? Can you write a review of the book? How can we write a review of a book, a CD, or a movie?

24 A review should contain four parts: (1) The name of the book, the CD or the movie. (2) What you like and the reason. (3) What you dislike and the reason. (4) What it reminds you of.

25 An example Recently I listened to a CD named Dance, Dance, Dance. The music is great because you can dance to it. You can take this to a party. Also, these musicians write their own lyrics. Some songs are too long. Some of the singers don’t sing the words clearly. The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music. {Part 1} {Part 2} {Part 3} {Part 4}

26 Write a review of a movie that you have seen.

27 Write a review of an exhibition that you have seen.

28 Write a review of a CD that you have listened to.

29 Do a research about the musician/writer/ actor you like most, and make a presentation in front of the class.


31 新目标英语工作室 —21 世纪教育网名师工作室 新目标英语工作室作者系中学英语一级教师,长 期从事英语教学和研究工作,有近 20 年一线教学的工 作经验, 熟悉所任教教材信息和和该学科教改信息, 愿意和广大英语教师和学生交流。本工作室将为 21 世 纪教育网的广大师生贡献原创作品和整编作品,力争 打造 21 世纪教育网金牌工作室。本工作室主要作品为 新目标初中英语 7 年级至 9 年级的课件、教案、学案、 单元测试卷、月考卷、期中试卷、期末试卷等相关教 学资料。本工作室精品资料系本人结合实际教学整编 而成,作品版权已经授予 21 世纪教育网,严禁一切形 式的转载! 网址:


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