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***This is what you’ve been waiting for!*** You will have 5 total chapters in your autobiography:

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3 ***This is what you’ve been waiting for!***

4 You will have 5 total chapters in your autobiography:

5 1. Background and Infancy

6 You will have 5 total chapters in your autobiography: 1. Background and Infancy 2. Childhood/Elementary Years

7 You will have 5 total chapters in your autobiography: 1. Background and Infancy 2. Childhood/Elementary Years 3. Junior High Years

8 You will have 5 total chapters in your autobiography: 1. Background and Infancy 2. Childhood/Elementary Years 3. Junior High Years 4. High School Years

9 You will have 5 total chapters in your autobiography: 1. Background and Infancy 2. Childhood/Elementary Years 3. Junior High Years 4. High School Years 5. Future

10 NO IDEA WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT? - Inside/Out Project- Past Conditioning Paper - Metaphor Poem- Favorite Place Paper - Self-disclosure project- Influential Person Paper -Parent Interview - Self-Interview -Journal Writings

11 CLASS TIME TO WORK? Approx. 2 days per week Other days: Hamlet

12 CLASS TIME TO WORK? Approx. 2 days per week Other days: Hamlet YOU MUST WORK OUTSIDE OF CLASS!!!

13 Minimum 20 pages Title Page Table of Contents Page Numbers Introduction Professional Presentation 12 pt. Font, DS, TNR or Helv.

14 - Quotations to match the text - Artifacts from childhood - Pictures - Anything else you might want ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

15 Be as honest as possible - This is for you: no one else sees it - Grading: automated response system - No judging - Nothing will shock me However...

16 -Will stay in the past - I can and will do nothing

17 -Will stay in the past - I can and will do nothing - I will report crimes - Law: must report abuse


19 To You:

20 To Me:


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