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Lab Safety. General Safety Rules 1. Listen to or read instructions carefully before attempting to do anything. 2. Wear safety goggles to protect your.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab Safety. General Safety Rules 1. Listen to or read instructions carefully before attempting to do anything. 2. Wear safety goggles to protect your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab Safety

2 General Safety Rules 1. Listen to or read instructions carefully before attempting to do anything. 2. Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from chemicals, heated materials, or things that might be able to shatter. 3. Notify your teacher if any spills or accidents occur.

3 General Safety Rules 4.After handling chemicals, always wash your hands with soap and water. 5. During lab work, keep your hands away from your face. 6. Tie back long hair.

4 General Safety Rules 7.Roll up loose sleeves. 8.On lab days wear closed toe shoes no sandals

5 Chemical Safety 9. If you need to smell the odor of a chemical, waft the fumes toward your nose with one hand. Do not put your nose over the container and inhale the fumes. 10.Never pour water into a concentrated acid. Acid should be poured slowly into water.

6 11. Know where the fire extinguisher is in every lab room Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

7 12. Clean glassware before and after use to avoid harmful residue. Also inspect glassware for any chips or cracks. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

8 13. Use common sense at all times. –No horseplay. –No pushing. –No running. –No squirting with droppers. –Follow the directions

9 14. Do not use any equipment or touch anything that you have not been given approval to use.

10 Supply Room 15. Students are NOT allowed in the supply room. Students in the supply room will be sent to the principal’s office. Tour of supply room: No touching - ANYTHING Quiet (classes are in session) Do not open things (cabinets, hoods, fridge…)

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