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3rd General Lykeio of Alexandroupolis 3 rd Grade (Γ1, Γ2, Γ3 and Γ6 class) English Language design of a lesson plan and presentation by students using.

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Presentation on theme: "3rd General Lykeio of Alexandroupolis 3 rd Grade (Γ1, Γ2, Γ3 and Γ6 class) English Language design of a lesson plan and presentation by students using."— Presentation transcript:

1 3rd General Lykeio of Alexandroupolis 3 rd Grade (Γ1, Γ2, Γ3 and Γ6 class) English Language design of a lesson plan and presentation by students using innovative and collaborative techniques

2 3 rd grade of Greek General Lykeio profile 22-24 students in class Intermediate-Upper intermediate level Hyperactive due mostly to their panhellenic exam stress Psychologically pressed

3 Aim of English teachers in 3 rd grade of Greek General Lykeion In order an English teacher to have an interested class, motivated and involved he/she has to : Adopt communicative approaches and learner- centred techniques Highlight and focus on skills mostly, rather than following the lesson instructions step by step Offer learning opportunities to Ss by involving them in teaching procedures and negotiate the way of teaching, with them

4 Lesson objectives readings on achievements, disasters, historical events, heroes, descriptive articles grammar on indirect speech relevant vocabulary listening and speaking practising relevant issues writings based on quotations: “You can’t understand who you are, unless you understand who we were”, “ Those who can not remember the past are condemned to repeat it”



7 Procedure: 7 teaching hours 1 st hour: divided in 5 groups, wrote down the names of the group, picked the objective they would deal with. 2 nd & 3 rd hour: scanned the unit in order to find the right material to support their lesson plan, wrote the lesson plan focusing mainly on: aim and activities. 4 th & 5 th hour: wrote down their exercises using material from the book or creating their own and developing each group their own techniques to support their presentation and make it vivid and interesting 6 th- 7 th hour: presented their lesson to the rest of the class and evaluated the procedure

8 The presentation Groups had one book each, in order to follow. Groups had to hand out the teacher: their lesson plans, the exercises and the answer key in order the group to be evaluated accordingly. The group which was presenting was standing, allocating the duties between themselves and trying to manage the rest of the class. The rest of he class had to follow and participate in order to help their classmates and the procedure.

9 students’worksheets















24 Thank you for your attention! Valavani Sofia B.A.,M.A Teacher of English Language

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