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The Australian Energy Regulator Expenditure Forecast Assessment Guidelines Auditing requirements for RINs and economic benchmarking data 9 October 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "The Australian Energy Regulator Expenditure Forecast Assessment Guidelines Auditing requirements for RINs and economic benchmarking data 9 October 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Australian Energy Regulator Expenditure Forecast Assessment Guidelines Auditing requirements for RINs and economic benchmarking data 9 October 2013

2 Context for today Two common issues raised in submissions on EBT preliminary templates and the guideline Audit requirements / director’s sign off The need to estimate some data (RAB) means there is merit to setting out a common approach 2

3 Agenda 9:30Introduction 9:45Audit and certification requirements for RINs 11:15Morning tea 11:35EBT – network services, RAB and asset life allocation 12:25Next steps 3

4 Where are we today? 4 DateSubject 2 SeptemberGeneral discussion of the draft guidelines Mid SeptemberRelease of draft economic benchmarking RIN 20 SeptemberSubmissions on explanatory statement and guideline due Late SeptemberCategory and EBT meetings 9 OctoberAuditing and EBT data requirements workshop 18 OctoberSubmissions on draft economic benchmarking RIN due NovemberEconomic benchmarking RIN issued Final guideline and explanatory statement released 9 DecemberCategory analysis and reset RINs released

5 RIN auditing requirements 5

6 Structure of the discussion ◦AER to set context, outline objectives, the position that was reached for the draft EBT RIN. ◦RSM Bird Cameron to set out the requirements in detail ◦AER to set out topics for discussion This discussion is equally applicable to the category analysis RIN 6

7 Context Auditing is not new —AER and previous jurisdictional regulators required auditing The draft explanatory statement set out the AER’s expectations for audited data A number of issues raised in response to: EBT preliminary templates and explanatory statement 7

8 Summary of NSP views Different perspectives from NSPs: ◦auditing is required given AER’s intended purpose ◦auditing burdensome, costly, not possible should not be requested Concerns appear to stem from historical data and estimation Certification requirement — too much risk to directors? Has the AER set out sufficient terms of reference for the audit? 8

9 AER’s objectives Data and estimates has been robustly prepared so reflects what has been requested and is free of calculation errors There is a reconciliation between data request to the prevailing regulatory accounts and to statutory accounts through the CAM (where possible) 9

10 The draft EBT RIN Reasonable (positive) assurance (ASA 805) for financial data Negative assurance (ASAE 3000) for non-financial data Negative assurance for best endeavours estimates Director’s statutory declaration ◦Meets the req notice ◦Is true and accurate, and can be relied on by the AER ◦Estimates provided on a best endeavours basis where not possible to provide 10

11 The draft EBT RIN (2) Financial information related back to statutory accounts using CAM, where possible Estimated financial (and non-financial) information ◦Has only been estimated where providing data not possible ◦Has been derived using reasonable assumptions The auditor must be qualified and independent The audit report must be in a form that is publishable by the AER 11

12 Potential changes Internal checking and cross submissions We want to be able to review internal consistency of data We want to be able to publish data for cross submissions To achieve both of these things, we may need to bring forward the date for audited data to be provided (April) 12

13 Instructions and framework Further guidance could be added to draft RIN ◦Instructions on how to complete template  When can the NSP grey out cells, what if an estimate cannot be provided? ◦Guidance on the linkage between the EBT data requirements and the regulatory accounts (where possible)  EBT/ Category costs as defined -> regulatory accounts -> CAMs -> statutory accounts 13 Potential changes (2)

14 Topics for discussion We are open to alternative ways of achieving our objectives Levels of assurance for historical data (is it possible to obtain positive assurance on historical financial data) Certification requirements Public release of unaudited data Terms of reference for the audit – is there sufficient detail in the RINS (have we tied them back to the regulatory accounts, CAMs and statutory accounts) 14

15 EBT data requirements 15

16 Network services We require a similar service across DNSPs Current classifications are different and still reflective of jurisdictional arrangements Classifications under NER will change over time (contestability) 16

17 17 AER service classifications* ACT: premises connect, aug, ext (sc) NSW: NSP funded premises connect, ext, aug (sc) rest (unreg) QLD: connection services (sc), large connections (acs) SA: not above standard, exc contrib (sc), other connection services (neg) TAS: basic and aug exc contrib (sc) VIC: new connections req aug (sc) New connections (basic, aug, ext) ACT: types 5 to 7, inc reading (acs) NSW: maintenance, reading and data services (acs) QLD: metering inc reading (sc) SA: type 6 and very large meters, inc reading (acs), all else (neg) TAS: metering excl PAYG) (acs) VIC: reading (sc), rest unregulated Metering All states (acs, various services identified) Ancillary network services (Fee based, quoted) VIC, TAS, NSW, QLD: (acs) ACT: unreg SA: neg Public lighting All states (sc), some differences: NSW: exc. emerg recoverable works QLD: excl O&M of connections Network services *Source: AER Final Decisions, NSW and ACT stage 1 F&A papers

18 18 EBT draft RIN EBT RIN defines services ◦Network services ◦Connection services ◦Public lighting services ◦Metering services ◦Ancillary network services (fee based and quoted) Classification information also sought for reconciliation

19 Potential changes Connections Draft RIN separates out basic connections This would leave new connection augmentation and extension in the RAB and O&M ◦Should we isolate augmentation and extensions associated with new connections 19

20 Potential changes (2) Connections become part of the network O&M and replacement of connections that become part of the shared network are network services Metering definition clarity Metering definition could be further refined - clarification that it includes the installation, replacement, and operation and maintenance (including meter reading) of type 5 to 7 meters 20

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