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Oklahoma Bystander Care P r o v i d e r C o u r s e.

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2 Oklahoma Bystander Care P r o v i d e r C o u r s e

3 Objectives of the Course: Identify the need for a Bystander Care Provider Understand the role of the Bystander Care Provider as part of the Emergency Response Team. Understand the FIVE Steps of Bystander Care Provide care when needed using the Five Steps of Bystander Care

4 National Data: Motor Vehicle Crashes accounted for nearly 42,000 deaths in 1997 A Fatality crash occurs every 13 minutes in the U.S. MVC’s are the leading cause of death in the age range of 6 - 27 Over 2,000,000 Injuries occur each year from MVC’s. One every 9 seconds Why Bystander Care?

5 Oklahoma Data: Motor Vehicle Crash’s accounted for more than 829 Deaths in 1997 Largely these occurred on the states rural roadways far from any type of medical care. MVC’s were the leading cause of death among our states 14-19 year olds. Why Bystander Care?

6 Victims of Crashes have a “Golden Hour” to get to medical care after a crash occurs. The Bystander Care Provider can impact this time limit by providing that initial on-scene lifesaving care.

7 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider Task # 1 Recognizing the Emergency

8 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider Task # 1 Recognize the Emergency

9 Task # 1 Other Crash Indicators: Broken Guardrail Skid marks off the roadway Broken Bridge Railing Recently cleared pathway through tall grass or weeds. The Role of the Bystander Care Provider

10 Task # 2 STOP to HELP STOP to HELP

11 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider Why should I help?????? Remember the parable of…..

12 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider Remember the “OKLAHOMA STANDARD” April 19,1995 May 3, 1999

13 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider What if I did something wrong and got sued? In Oklahoma and most other states your actions are protected by the Good Samaritan Laws

14 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider Task # 3 Call for Help

15 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider Task #3 Call for HELP “0” Operator local EMS Local Fire Dept. Local Law Enforcement

16 What information do you need to give? Crash Location – –Mile Markers – –Intersections – –Known Landmarks and distance from them # of Injured – –Types of injuries – –Special circumstances (trapped,age, etc.)

17 What information do you need to give? Who you are Where you’re calling from Trained Bystander on Scene

18 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider REMEMBER: If you perform only these three tasks you have done a GREAT SERVICE to your fellow man.

19 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider Task # 4 Start the Breathing

20 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider As you start task # 4 several things have to happen first. Each of them are related to your safety and the safety of those around you including the victims. One thing the Oklahoma Bystander Care Provider Program does not want to do is, add to the number of injured

21 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider Park your vehicle a safe distance away from the crash site. – –Park several hundred feet from the crash – –Turn on your flashers – –Raise your hood – –Gain access to the crash site carefully Watch the traffic around you – –Position traffic directors a safe distance from the crash. NO SMOKINGNO SMOKING

22 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider Look for Dangers and if found: DO NOT APPROACH Leaking Unknown Substances

23 Look for Dangers Downed Power Lines

24 Look for Dangers Vehicles that are unstable

25 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider SAFE REMEMBER: Once you determine it is SAFE to approach the crash scene REMEMBER: B = B = Body S = S = Substance I = I = Isolation

26 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider Task # 4 Start the Breathing, Finally!

27 Task # 4 Assess for Airway and Breathing – –Victim Awake – –Can they Talk – –Are they Breathing Chest rise and fall Air heard at mouth and nose BLUE BADDColor of skin ( PINK GOOD, BLUE BADD )

28 Task # 4 If NOT then START the BREATHING

29 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider Don’t Forget a Barrier Device: Handkerchief Resusci- Face Shield Pocket Mask

30 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider Task # 5 Stop the Bleeding

31 Task # 5 Remember:

32 Direct Pressure with a pressure dressing Elevation Use Pressure Points Control the Bleeding by:

33 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider Review Time: Task #1 Task #2 Task #3 Task #4 Task #5

34 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider Building a Bystander Care Kit Zip-Lock Bag for the following: – –2-3 Packs of 4x4’s – –a pair of latex gloves – –Band-aids – –Tape – –Resusci face shield or mask – –Bystander Care Guide

35 The Role of the Bystander Care Provider A closing thought : You can and You will make a difference whenever you choose to get involved no matter which of the tasks you use. Get Involved.

36 Questions????

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