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SUFAC BUDGET WORKSHOP February 27 and 28. What is SUFAC? The Segregated University Fees Allocation community is the mechanism through which students are.

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Presentation on theme: "SUFAC BUDGET WORKSHOP February 27 and 28. What is SUFAC? The Segregated University Fees Allocation community is the mechanism through which students are."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUFAC BUDGET WORKSHOP February 27 and 28

2 What is SUFAC? The Segregated University Fees Allocation community is the mechanism through which students are able to control student fee allocations to best allow student groups to achieve their mission. SUFAC Members  Director Kara Schmidt   Matt Gardner   Bryce Harp, Kevin Griepentrog, Brittany Kemi 


4 Segregated Fees are assessed to students on a per credit basis and cover a wide variety of activities including Athletics, the Marcovich Wellness Center, the Student Center, and Student Organizations. Segregated Fees are additional fees beyond tuition that students pay to support services that assist students or enhance students' experiences at the university. Where do they come from?What do they do?

5 Priorities of SUFAC Funding The following areas of funding were the focus of budget guideline construction 1. Travel 2. Promotional 3. Capital 4. Speakers 5. Food 6. Non-Capital

6 How F-50 Affects the Process  F-50 is a University of Wisconsin policy that sets out how SUF funds can be spent  This policy allows for all student groups to be treated fairly when it comes to the funding process  No group can be discriminated against or less funded due to their mission  As long as their activities fall within their mission are eligible to be allocated funds

7 Funding Funding will be addressed in the following order: 1. Promotional Costs 2. Speaker’s and Entertainment Fees 3. Capital Costs 4. Non-Capital Costs 5. Food Costs 6. Travel Costs If any percentage listed above is not required, the additional funding will be rolled down to the category immediately following, with the exception of food, which will be strictly capped at 5% of the budget. If there is additional funding available after all travel expenses are allocated, all additional funding will be rolled into the emergency fund.

8 Funding Considerations Chart

9 Promotional and Food Funding Guidelines  Promotional funds will be provided up to $500 per org per year.  Promotions will be entertained at up to 10% of the overall budget.

10 Speaker and Entertainment Funding  Speaker fees will be funded by organization with a $5000 cap per organization  Additional funding will be provided at university rates for additional lodging and per diem rates  Speaker fees/incidentals will be entertained at 25% for Campus Based, and 15% for Travel Based.  This funding includes food for the event.

11 Capital Funding  Capital items/equipment are items that carry through the years as a long term investment in the organization.  An item will require a concrete justification and a written plan to maintain the item. Capital/equipment will be entertained at 10% for Campus based and 5% for Travel based.

12 Non-Capital Guidelines  Non-capital will be defined as items that must be repurchased on an annual, or event-by-event, basis  Non-capital will not be used for promotional purposes  Non-capital purchases will be entertained at 30% of the overall budget for Campus based and 15% for Travel based.

13 Food Funding  Food will be funded at 20% of monies spent, up to $300 per event, unless the food is an integral part of the event  Food will be entertained at 5% of the overall budget for both Campus and Travel.

14 Travel Funding  Travel will be a based on a multi-tiered system prioritizing in order internally planned travel (which is defined as events specifically planned and organized by students that do not require registration), competition/performance based, then external travel (meaning either travel planned by someone that is not a current student or travel that requires registration (e.g., seminars)).

15 Travel Funding (cont.)  These categories will be funded equally but separated to facilitate auditing. Travel will be limited to the continental United States and within 100 miles of its borders and greater than 30 miles from the YellowJacket Union. Trip costs will be entertained at 20% of the overall budget for Campus Based and 50% for Travel Based organizations.

16 Tips  Try to write your budgets like you would a paper, have a rough draft and have a peer review it.  Ask as many questions as you need to.  Focus on what you will spend next year, not what you spent this year or last year.  Don’t leave anything out.  Remember that there are other sources of funding should your allocation not meet your needs.

17 Budget Conversations  Budget conversations, formerly known as budget hearings, are meetings between SUFAC and student organizations designed to communicate the needs of the organizations.

18 How to Get Assistance with Planning  Stop by the SGA Office in Yellowjacket Union 156 during any SUFAC Member’s office hours.  President Garfield is also available to dialogue on the budget process.  E-mail anyone in SGA about the process, they will know who to get in touch with.  Schedule a meeting with someone from SUFAC to get one on one assistance in your planning.

19 Contact YU 156 MWF: 10-12 T TH: 11:15-12 612.805.3485

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