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Reporting in OOD's call class captain Officer’s Call OOD It is your job to find a replacement, nobody else's. Use Year Book list, ask on a Wednesday use.

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Presentation on theme: "Reporting in OOD's call class captain Officer’s Call OOD It is your job to find a replacement, nobody else's. Use Year Book list, ask on a Wednesday use."— Presentation transcript:


2 Reporting in OOD's call class captain Officer’s Call OOD It is your job to find a replacement, nobody else's. Use Year Book list, ask on a Wednesday use email to find replacement

3 A Weather Forecast Extra Warm Gear (rescue boat is cold) Everything else is provided! But.... Pencils, Stop Watches, crib sheets, stout sticks (to beat late competitors) are handy Things to Bring

4 Setting Up Design Course(s) Prepare Rescue Boat Mark up the board Signing on sheets Launch Rescue Boat Hold a Briefing 9:30 – 9:45 9:30 - 10:00 9:45 before 10 10:15 10:30 10:40 10:55

5 Course Size ISAF says aim for 3 laps minimum (not a topper) Any thing above a flat calm a laser can make walking pace 4 mph that means 1 mile a lap. in the light stuff Use extra marks for different courses for cats. Tailor the length to the competitors

6 Course Layout Please all the people All the time




10 1 2



13 NO!

14 Long spinnaker blast

15 Course Summary. Size bigger than you think for cats Fast boats 3 laps Windward and Leeward legs important Make your own life easy Set longer/different course for cats Put Straightener out before the start

16 . 90° to the wind (if Possible) Transit is the line Buoy marks seaward limit of the line Keep the outer distance mark well out to sea (generally beyond the end of the West Pier) You can use the rescue boat if you want (safety permitting) Start Lines C:\data\sailing\start flash\StartLineNew.swf

17 The Briefing Mention: Tides, wind strength, sea state The course Novices Launching Help with Rescue boat Lunch

18 LIGHTS and Flags Warning P – Preparatory One minute S - Shortened course N - Race abandoned AP - Postponement X - Individual recall (flashing) General recall

19 STARTS [10:55] [11:00] [11:05] EACH LIGHT ACCOMPANIED BY ONE CLEAR HOOT Mono 5 Mono 4 Mono 1 Mono 0 Cat 5 Cat 4 Cat 1 Cat 0

20 Postponements Put up the AP Flag One Hoot. Multiples of 15 minutes. 1 min before the start sequence AP down. make ONE hoot

21 recalls Individual If identified boats are over, host X, hoot once. When the offender returns, lower it General If there is chaos flash all three lights and sound the horn multiple times (radio the rescue boat,) then begin the start sequence again.

22 Racing Keep an eye on all boats (including those not racing) Time all boats on each lap. Including disqualified ones! Keep in touch using the radios, if that fails use the Q flag to signal a problem Don't pratt about. Keep Notes. A backup time system. Tourists will talk at you!

23 Emergency Rescue people not boats. Get casualties ashore ASAP! If there's a need to get help: Dial 999 and ask for “Coastguard”, or switch radio to to Channel 16, high power and call “Solent Coastguard”. SAFETY BEFORE RACING, don't worry about the racing if there's an emergency.

24 OCS, DNS, Sailed wrong course (are you sure) Entering the Swimming Area, no buoyancy aid are DISQUALIFIED. DNC, not on the water, didn't sign on are not scored at all. DNF, RTD, or retired after finishing are DID NOT FINISH Inter-boat incidents, and hit marks are not the officers direct responsibility Penalties Write their times down any way.

25 When to Finish – Races approx 45mins, Shorter if you started late. Same Class Same lap Finish slow class - Topper Are they enjoying them selves? Changing Weather

26 Finishing Switch on the two outer lights before the first boat to finish crosses the finish line 1 hoot every time a boat finishes. 20 minute cut off. Avoid hooked finishes. Write down ALL times. Switch off the lights as soon as last boat has finished or time limit is reached.

27 Between Races Check all boats are safe Check that the marks are still in a suitable place to give good racing Make sure the rescue boat knows you are about to start the next race Try not to have a big gap

28 Starting the next race Make sure you are ready Flash lights and make multiple sound signals One minute later begin the start sequence

29 Aftermath Write ALL the details on the timesheet Make sure everyone is accounted for Ensure there are plenty of people around to help with the rescue boat Staple sheets together and file Enter results on the computer and tell everyone their positions Inform Class captain of defaulters …and relax

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