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Lord of the Flies Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Lord of the Flies Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lord of the Flies Vocabulary
Ch.4 - 6

2 Trembling, timid, scared
Tremulous Trembling, timid, scared I was tremulous with joy.

3 vague Indefinite in character, nature, or form

4 belligerent Heather screamed and shook her fist at the waiter in
'Score boards all showing 4 points, except for one saying '4 war'.' Heather screamed and shook her fist at the waiter in a belligerent way. War-like; aggressively hostile

5 ravenous What are some healthy night snacks to go for
when feeling ravenous at night? Extremely hungry or greedy

6 oppressive Unjustly harsh; causing discomfort

7 effigy A crude representation or image of someone who is hated or disliked

8 inscrutable Incapable of being searched; not easily understood
The killer left no clues, and the murder remains an inscrutable mystery. Incapable of being searched; not easily understood

9 lament To speak in a way that expresses sorrow or deep regret

10 gesticulate To make or use gestures, especially in speaking

11 perceptible Capable of being known or understood

12 tempestuous Of or resembling a severe storm or tumult

13 chastise Alice To punish

14 interminable having no apparent end or limit; endless

15 tacit unspoken

16 malevolent Wishing evil or harm to others; spiteful, mean

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