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MI THEORY AND ASSESSMENT Armstrong Chapter 10.  It would be “the height of hypocrisy to ask students to participate in a wide range of multispectrum.

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Presentation on theme: "MI THEORY AND ASSESSMENT Armstrong Chapter 10.  It would be “the height of hypocrisy to ask students to participate in a wide range of multispectrum."— Presentation transcript:

1 MI THEORY AND ASSESSMENT Armstrong Chapter 10

2  It would be “the height of hypocrisy to ask students to participate in a wide range of multispectrum experiences in all eight intelligences and then require them to show what they’ve learned through standardized tests that focus narrowly on linguistic and logical/mathematical intelligences.” (p.130)

3  Less on formal, standardized or norm- referenced tests  More time on authentic measures that are criterion-referenced or compare a students to his or her own past performances.

4 How can a teacher document?  MI Portfolios  Work Samples  Observations/Anecdotal records  Checklists  Criterion-referenced  Rubrics for performance based activities and for project based activities  Self-evaluations

5 Application  Look at the chart on page 138.  Is there anything there that is new to you?  Will it be easy or difficult to think of assessment through an MI lens?  Look at the list on page 139? If you were going to “celebrate your learning” tonight, what would you choose?

6 Variety of Assessment  A variety means a variety of access to presentation (input)  And a variety of expression (output)  For example- if students only take an AR test after reading a novel- does this give a healthy variety of input and output?  Look at the chart on p. 141- How are the inputs and outputs showing variety?

7 MI Portfolios  Look at the lists on pg. 144-145  Have you ever kept a portfolio?  What are the benefits? The downside?

8 Goldberg Ch. 9: Assessment  Teaching and Learning Goals:  What are the children learning? The EQ.  How does the artistic event fit into the larger picture?  How does the artistic even relate to student’s life?  In what way does the curriculum encourage the student to be a lifelong learner?  How will you determine if learning takes place?  Does this activity meet the standards for your state for the arts?

9  Portfolio Assessment: Sample scale is on pg. 208  Performance Based Assessment: pros/cons  Listening and observing students

10  Artwork is an original representation of a student’s thinking and understanding.  More difficult than “giving back” information as in the Freire’s banking pedagogy.  Will capture the learning of a wider variety of students.

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