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Second hand smokers Mohammed Saoud Mrs. Timm 12 D March 10, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Second hand smokers Mohammed Saoud Mrs. Timm 12 D March 10, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Second hand smokers Mohammed Saoud Mrs. Timm 12 D March 10, 2013

2 Introduction Passive smoking effects Risks on children Smoking in public does not only harm the smokers, but it harms the people around the person also.

3 Effect Lung cancer Allergies Brain tumor Ear, nose, and throat infection

4 Risk on children Sudden infant death syndrome Asthma Allergies Learning difficulties, developmental delays, and neurobehavioral effects.

5 Risk level The International Agency for Research on Cancer researches The US Surgeon General – living or working in a place where smoking is permitted increases the non-smokers' risk of developing heart diseases.

6 Carbon Monoxide second-hand smoke exposure as well as tobacco use Carbon monoxide Poisoning – Harms non smokers

7 Cigarettes content Contains over 4000 chemicals Nicotine Tar

8 Pathophysiology Definition: The functional changes associated with or resulting from disease or injury Second-hand smoke has been shown to produce more particulate-matter pollution than an idling low-emission diesel engine Tobacco smoke exposure has immediate and substantial effects on blood

9 Public opinion Surveys 80% of respondents agreed that second-hand smoke was harmful 95% of adults agreed that second-hand smoke was harmful to children

10 Smoke free laws smoke-free regulations Bans smoking in indoors Smoking banned in certain public places

11 Effects of the law heart attacks dropped 27% admissions for respiratory conditions declined by 33%

12 Animal poisoning Animals like dogs, cats, squirrels, and other small animals are affected by not only second-hand smoke inhalation, but also nicotine poisoning – cigarette butts, chewing tobacco, or nicotine gum within reach of the animal. Littered cigarette – sidewalks or trashcans

13 Conclusion Smokers harm themselves and people around them Carbon monoxide harm on people smoking in public places

14 Work citation Siqueira LM, Rolnitzky LM, Rickert VI. Smoking Cessation in Adolescents: The Role of Nicotine Dependence, Stress, and Coping Methods. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2001;155(4):489-495. doi:10.1001/archpedi.155.4.489. Cigarette smoking under stress: The role of coping expectancies among smokers in a clinic-based smoking cessation program. Shadel, William G.; Mermelstein, Robin J. Health Psychology, Vol 12(6), Nov 1993, 443-450. Daily Processes in Stress and Smoking: Effects of Negative Events, Nicotine Dependence, and Gender. Todd, Michael, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, Vol 18(1), Mar 2004, 31-39. RUST, TERRY A. "Assessing Nicotine Dependence." - August 1, 2000. AAFP.ORG, 1 Aug. 2000. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. Claire F. Collie PhD, Carolina P. Clancy PhD, Beth P. Yeatts MS, CRG & Jean C. Beckham PhD, (2006) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Smoking Cessation in Veteran Smokers. Journal of Trauma Practice 3:4, pages 37-63.

15 Work citation continued "Maternal Psychological Stress and Distress as Predictors of Low Birth Weight, Prematurity and Intrauterine Growth Retardation." Nature Publishing Group, 7 May 2002. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. Effects of nicotine dose, instructional set, and outcome expectancies on the subjective effects of smoking in the presence of a stressor. Juliano, Laura M.; Brandon, Thomas H. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol 111(1), Feb 2002, 88-97. Cook., Professor D. "Summary of Effects of Parental Smoking on the Respiratory Health of Children and Implications for Research." -- Cook and Strachan 54 (4): 357., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2013. "IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans." IARC Monographs- Monographs Available in PDF Format. IARC, n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2013. Support EasyBib "Drug & Medication Centre." Health News RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2013. G Invernizzi,, and A Ruprecht. "Particulate Matter from Tobacco versus Diesel Car Exhaust:.", n.d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. "The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General." Surgeon General. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2013. Naiman, Alisa, Richard H. Glazier, and Rahim Moineddin. "Canadian Medical Association Journal." Association of Anti-smoking Legislation with Rates of Hospital Admission for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Conditions. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2013.

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