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EduGain Federation – Web SSO

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1 EduGain Federation – Web SSO
CERN SSO EduGain Bruno Bompastor: CERN Cloud Report

2 Horizon’s View of EduGain
Presents Web SSO to user Login successful with attributes e.g. Map attributes to groups e.g. grouplist=indigo-dataclouds-admin Map groups to roles e.g. project member of “EU Indigo DataClouds” Bruno Bompastor: CERN Cloud Report

3 Bruno Bompastor: CERN Cloud Report
Federation using SAML Works with CLI access using SAML/ECP Bruno Bompastor: CERN Cloud Report

4 Keystone to Keystone Federation
Needs Kilo+ for Keystone to become an IdP Administrator Establishes trust between CERN cloud and INFN cloud Defined mappings INFN User Authenticates against INFN cloud Keystone CERN cloud Keystone accepts his token for defined roles in a project Bruno Bompastor: CERN Cloud Report

5 Bruno Bompastor: CERN Cloud Report
Public cloud support 30 public cloud vendors and distributions announced support by EOY 2015 Rackspace IBM HP Bruno Bompastor: CERN Cloud Report

6 Multiple authentication protocols
Bruno Bompastor: CERN Cloud Report

7 Bruno Bompastor: CERN Cloud Report
X.509, Kerberos and VOMS OS_AUTH_TYPE end user variable in unified CLI v3Kerberos v3x509 CERN cloud supports X.509 and Kerberos using REMOTE_USER Environment variable set to give authentication method Apache authenticates for the URL and passes user id etc to the Keystone service Potential to support VOMS via same mechanism Alvaro Garcia (CSIC) will update EGI FC support in Keystone during the summer Bruno Bompastor: CERN Cloud Report

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