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Twenty Questions Subject: Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920.

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2 Twenty Questions Subject:

3 Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920

4 1. What are the three states of matter

5 Solid Liquid Gas 1. Answer

6 2. What is the degree for boiling point?

7 2. 100°C

8 3.How can I separate iron filings from sand?.

9 Use a magnet

10 4.If a glass has oil and water in it, where will the water be located and where will the oil be located.

11 The oil will be on the top because the oil has less density than water.

12 5. What is the degree for melting point?

13 0°C

14 6. How are the particles arranged for a solid?

15 The particles are very close together

16 7. If a thermometer reads 40°C how much more heat energy needs to be added so the thermometer will reach boiling point?

17 Boiling point is 100°C so the amount of heat energy would have to be 60°C

18 8.Can a mixture be separated? Explain?

19 Yes, a mixture can be separated. Example: salt and pepper can be separated because when you put them together they are still salt and pepper.

20 9. What is a solution and how can it be separated?

21 Two or more substances evenly mixed and cannot be easily separated Sifting, filters, magnets, evaporation

22 10.What is density?.

23 The amount of matter in a given space or volume

24 11. Which state if matter takes the shape of it’s container and has a fixed volume?

25 Liquid

26 12. What is the definition of matter?

27 Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space

28 13. Name 3 physical properties of matter

29 Shape, state of matter, texture, smell, density, magnetism, solubility

30 14. Opposite poles of a magnet _________________, like poles of a magnet _____________________

31 Opposite = attract Like = repel

32 15. Water can change from one state of matter to another – explain how this happens.

33 Liquid to a solid = freezing Solid to a liquid = melting Liquid to a gas = boiling

34 16.The particles of a gas are _______________________.

35 Spread far apart and moving very fast

36 17. Magnetism is the ______________ of repelling and attracting between 2 ____________ of a magnet Force, poles

37 17. Magnetism is the ______________ of repelling and attracting between 2 ____________ of a magnet

38 18. Put the following liquids in the right density order in a glass: water, oil, syrup – most dense to least dense

39 Syrup, water, oil

40 19. Can you separate the “good” candy from the “bad” candy from your Halloween bag? How

41 Yes, using my hand.

42 20. Describe how to separate rocks from sand

43 Use a strainer and gently shake the strainer from side to side; the rocks will stay in the strainer and the sand will be on the paper towel

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