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Responsibilities, powers and opportunities Fiona Cruickshank Director South East Housing Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "Responsibilities, powers and opportunities Fiona Cruickshank Director South East Housing Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Responsibilities, powers and opportunities Fiona Cruickshank Director South East Housing Corporation

2 RSLs – Working with Gypsies and Travellers Why RSLs should get involved How RSLs can get involved How the Housing Corporation can help

3 RSLs 2000 RSLs registered with the Housing Corporation Size from under 10 to over 50,000 homes 1000 have fewer than 250 homes

4 Types of RSL Mainstream Social rented LCHO Specialist Elderly Learning difficulties Young homeless BME

5 Why should RSLs get involved Number of homes owned Geographical coverage Experience of dealing with diverse groups

6 Number of Homes Rented from LAs and RSLs 1991 - 2005: ENGLAND

7 Number of Homes Rented from LAs and RSLs 1991 - 2005: SOUTH EAST

8 Number of Homes Rented from LAs and RSLs 1991 - 2005: EAST OF ENGLAND


10 Why should RSLs get involved Sole landlord Strong housing management skills Already providing support to other residents Already housing Gypsies and Travellers

11 How RSLs can get involved Providing new sites Managing existing sites Providing new schemes suited to Gypsy and Traveller needs Renting trailers on sites?

12 How RSLs can get involved Good relationships with LAs Experience of working with support agencies Ability to integrate communities

13 How can the Housing Corporation help Site design guidance Management guidance Financial information Good practice on relationships

14 How can the Housing Corporation help? Support and advocacy with local authorities Support for funding at the regional level

15 Don’t wait 100% funding Need is clear Support local authorities

16 Your response and questions

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