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The Needs Assessment Used with permission of: John R. Slate, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "The Needs Assessment Used with permission of: John R. Slate, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Needs Assessment Used with permission of: John R. Slate, Ph.D.

2 Terms to be Know n Assessment - an on-going process; formative n Evaluation - occurs at the conclusion of the unit/program; summative n Needs - the discrepancy between what is and what ought to be.

3 A Needs Assessment is... n the systematic appraisal of the type, depth, and scope of a problem. n sometimes called an organizational review. n an end product. n sometimes the first step in a formative evaluation.

4 Purpose of Conducting a Needs Assessment n To discover weaknesses or problem areas in the current situation which can be remediated. n To project future conditions to which a program will need to adjust. n To provide a basis for setting objectives for curriculum or program development.

5 Needs Assessments and Research Methodologies n Quantitative - used to measure the precise extent between the existing condition and the desired condition. n Techniques: creation of databases on program attendance, census data, closed-ended survey questions, surveys, test scores

6 n Qualitative - used to enhance the utility and accuracy of the condition by capturing a more complete portrayal of events and participants. n Techniques: on-site observations, interviews, archival and historical document review, videotaping

7 Questions to be Considered

8 Questions on the minds of the sponsor(s)... n What needs attention? n What should our program(s) try to accomplish? n Where are we failing?

9 Questions the evaluator might pose... n What are the goals of the organization or community? n Is there agreement on the goals from all groups? n To what extent are these goals being met?

10 n What do the clients perceive they need? What problems are they experiencing? n What do staff perceive they need? What problems are they experiencing? n What are the areas in which the organization is most seriously failing to achieve goals?

11 n Where does the organization need to plan special programs or revise old programs?

12 Problems Encountered in Conducting a Needs Assessment n Definition of need - Exactly what is a desired set of conditions? –Five types of desired states: ideals, norms, minimums, desires, and expectations n Urgency n Values underlying needs are not clearly articulated

13 n Reported as group trends –What about individual differences?

14 What happens after the needs assessment? n Allocation of money or personnel to meet high priority needs n Program planning or revision

15 Where do you start in conducting a needs assessment? n Personnel experience n Professional n Media n New policies or standards

16 Beware when... n determining clientele. n identifying participants. n selecting needs assessment techniques.

17 Remember... n the very best (i.e., most thorough) needs assessment will utilize mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative methodologies).

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