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ENGAGING STUDENTS: THE ART OF EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION 1 Facilitated by Chantel Walker, Associate Instructor

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Presentation on theme: "ENGAGING STUDENTS: THE ART OF EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION 1 Facilitated by Chantel Walker, Associate Instructor"— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGAGING STUDENTS: THE ART OF EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION 1 Facilitated by Chantel Walker, Associate Instructor

2 About you… Where do you teach? What level do you teach? Questions you have?

3 Goals of the Workshop…. Recognize the difference between “being consciously competent” and “accidentally adequate” when teaching and planning lessons. Learn/Review 10 ways to Engage Students. 3

4 Poll-Have you tried…. 1.1. Send a Problem 2.2. Two Facts and a Fib 3.3. Graffiti 4.4. Give one get one 5.5. Carousel Brainstorming

5 The Science Within the Art… Teaching is one of the most complex, demanding and important professions in the world. 5

6 Think/Pair/Share A “simple” tactic? What are all the things a teacher must consider in order to have an effective Think/Pair/Share activity in the classroom? Graffiti answer next page… 6

7 Graffiti your thoughts on Think Pair Share

8 Things to Consider…Look for evidence you were on the right track Face-to-face interaction Framing the question Language difficulties Level of question (Bloom’s Taxonomy) Odd or even groupings Opportunities for sharing Quiet signal/getting everyone back on track Students being left out Wait time 8

9 Graffiti: A Brain-Storming Tactic 9 Things to Consider?

10 Using a Value Line THING TO CONSIDER??? Stickies.. WAYS I HAVE USED IT Social studies- value line on political party- teach unit then re do

11 Think about your response for 10 seconds and then I’ll ask each of you to share in a Think Pair Share format Is this an example of increasing accountability and using adequate wait time? Yesno

12 As you are working I’ll be coming around to check on your progress. Agree Is the teacher demonstrating: concern, visibility, help? Disagree

13 Using the Value Line…. 1.Use when you want to get a quick summary of students opinions on a particular topic 2.Helps students learn there are a variety of views on topics. 3.Have student write/opinion before moving to spot in classroom. 4.Get students out of their desk. 5.Others……

14 Place mat Pose a question Each person answers based on what they believe the answer is. In Round Robin format the students share and write common themes in middle. Share with the whole group

15 II Placemat encourages accountability, communication, inductive thinking, brainstorming, categorizing keeps all students engaged can be used with “Walk- About”—one student visits another group to share or scout

16 II 56. 16

17 Graffiti Think Pair Share Value Line Placemat

18 Inside/Outside Circle (Tactic) Good for reviews. Allows for movement— great to wake students up! Requires skill of wait time and framing questions. Encourages accountability and engagement. 18

19 Inside/Outside Circle 19 II 39.

20 Six Characteristics of Motivation 1.Success 2.Concern ◦accountability ◦visibility ◦consequences ◦time ◦help 3.Meaning 4.Interest 5.Positive Feeling 6.Knowledge of Results 20

21 One Word Summary One word to describe what I learned today...

22 10 ways to Engage Students 1)Think Pair Share 2)Think Pair Square 3)Two Facts and a Fib 4)Graffiti 5)Send a Problem 6)Value Line 7)Give one Get one 8)Place Mat 9)Inside/Outside Circle 10)One Work Summary

23 Can I…. Recognize the difference between “being consciously competent” and “accidentally adequate” when teaching and planning lessons. Learn/Review 10 ways to Engage Students. 23

24 Support After the Workshop ATA Library —Books, resources, multimedia, journal articles ATA Workshops —Many different workshops available for only $100.00 plus G.S.T. Teacher Welfare and Member Services —Workshops and services available ◦Join a Specialist Council —Visit the ATA website – ◦ATA Ed Trust grants and bursaries available —Grants and bursaries for PD, courses and projects Become an ATA Instructor

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