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COST 723 11-13 March 2004 ESTEC Working Group 3 Assessing the State of the UTLS and Understanding the Relevant Processes (ASU 2 RP) Tasks 1) Assess the.

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Presentation on theme: "COST 723 11-13 March 2004 ESTEC Working Group 3 Assessing the State of the UTLS and Understanding the Relevant Processes (ASU 2 RP) Tasks 1) Assess the."— Presentation transcript:


2 COST 723 11-13 March 2004 ESTEC Working Group 3 Assessing the State of the UTLS and Understanding the Relevant Processes (ASU 2 RP) Tasks 1) Assess the UTLS climatology 2) Assess the trends 3) Study dynamical processes in the UTLS 4) Quantify the anthropogenic effects on the UTLS

3 WG3 – COST 723 Chairman: Bernard Legras (ENS, Paris) Belgium: Hugo De Backer (KMI-IRM), Henk Schets (KMI-IRM) Cyprus: Silas Michaelides (Met Service) Germany: Michael Gerding (AWI, Potsdam), Klaus Gierens (DLR), Bjoern-Martin Sinnhuber (U. Bremen), Herman Smit (FZ-Jülich) Greece: Prodromos Zanis (U. Thessaloniki), Christos Zerefos (U. Athen) Italy: Federico Fierli (ISAC), Gino Serafini (U. Roma), Laura Tositti (U. Bologna) Spain: Emilio Cuevas (INM), Manuel Gil (INTA) UK: Geraint Vaughan (U. Aber.)

4 EOCs (4 not yet received) ● Ozone: assessment and variability (De Backer) ● Ozone radiosoundings (Michaelides) ● Vertical diffusivity in the UTLS (Legras) ● Cirrus clouds and supersaturation (Gierens) ● Control mechanisms of UT moisture (Smit) ● Climatology of Be isotops, cirrus and tropopause (Zanis, Promodos) ● O 3 and H 2 O assimilation from ENVISAT (Fierli) ● STE modelling and ozone budget (Serafini) ● O 3 variability and trends from soundings (Cuevas) ● O 3 trend over Iceland. STE at northern subtropics. N 2 O increase (Gil) ● Gravity waves and mixing in the UTLS (Vaughan)

5 Present activities ● 4 groups of studies O3 variability and trends Moisture and cirrus clouds in the UTLS Mixing processes STE assessment and modelling ● The first three goals of the WG3 are covered by the EOCs, but the fourth (anthropogenic effects) is marginal. ● Focus is on the extratropics. Complementary of SCOUT which is focused on the tropical region. ● Usage of O3 radiosoundings, balloon and aircraft measurements and satellite data (ENVISAT, ODIN)

6 WG3 agenda for ESTEC meeting Thursday 11 March 17:00 Posters Friday 12 March 9:00 Peter Haynes Trajectory based studies of the tropopause region 11:00 WG3 session K. Gierens Ice supersaturated regions in the tropopause region P. Keckhut Climatology of the upper troposphere with lidar D. Hauglustaine Global modelling of the upper-troposphere and lower stratosphere composition 13:00 joint session with WG2 14:15 WG3 meeting

7 WG3 Points to be discussed - How to assess climatology and trends from available datasets -> requirements to WG1 and WG2 - Modelling studies in the UTLS -> dedicated meetings, short-term visits - Coordination with SCOUT - UTLS summer school - Consolidate plans


9 UTLS Summer school 26 September 8 October 2005 Cargese, Corsica Topics: - data assimilation - modelling studies of the UTLS Audience - researchers + students (school/workshop) Format - no more than 15 lecturers, 50-60 participants - main courses + group work - posters - computer practice Funding - COST - FP6 - space agencies - other sponsors

10 Cargese Institute of Scientific Studies

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