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Extended Learning Activities

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1 Extended Learning Activities
You will be provided with a folder which contains the following: A contents page of activities The activities/questions The novel (ATSS) It is up to you to do the reading at home. Make sure you read ATSS at least twice! These extended learning activities will be monitored – I will randomly take them in to look at. The quality must be excellent and work should be up to date! It will serve as a six week review and your eligibility to stay on the course.

2 Read the following poem by Saib- e-Tabrizi
KABUL Ah! How beautiful is Kabul encircled by her arid mountains And Rose, of the trails of thorns she envies Her gusts of powdered soil, slightly sting my eyes But I love her, for knowing and loving are born of this same dust My song exhalts her dazzling tulips And at the beauty of her trees, I blush How sparkling the water flows from Pul-I-Bastaan! May Allah protect such beauty from the evil eye of man! Khizr chose the path to Kabul in order to reach Paradise For her mountains brought him close to the delights of heaven From the fort with sprawling walls, A Dragon of protection Each stone is there more precious than the treasure of Shayagan Every street of Kabul is enthralling to the eye Through the bazaars, caravans of Egypt pass One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs And the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls Her laughter of mornings has the gaiety of flowers Her nights of darkness, the reflections of lustrous hair Her melodious nightingales, with passion sing their songs Ardent tunes, as leaves enflamed, cascading from their throats And I, I sing in the gardens of Jahanara, of Sharbara And even the trumpets of heaven envy their green pastures Read the following poem by Saib- e-Tabrizi What images does the poet use to praise the city of Kabul?

3 A Thousand Splendid Suns –
Objective: Understand the setting of the novel

4 An Ode… An Ode is a type of poem that uses hyperbole and inflated language to glorify and enhance the subject and to create feelings of appreciation in the listener.

5 What do you learn about Kabul from the poem? What is the poet’s purpose? Does the poet succeed in creating a sense of the beauty of Kabul?

6 Hosseini discusses A Thousand Splendid Suns

7 Political Situation of Kabul
Before Taliban Rule 60’s After Taliban Rule Current 2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The links can be found on the blog…

8 Extended Learning Activities and Reading

9 You need to have read Chapter 1 - 5.
Extended Learning

10 Look at the following images
Look at the following images. What can you infer about the situation in Afghanistan?

11 What you need to do along the way…

12 A Thousand Splendid Suns: Mariam and Nana
Objective: Be able to explore the presentation of Mariam and Nana

13 Chapter 1 – 4: Mariam and Nana
What do we learn about Mariam? What do we learn about Nana? Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Ext How has the relationship between Nana and Mariam been presented?

14 Chapter 5 – A turn of events
In this chapter, Mariam realises that her mother, Nana was right about Jalil, her father, all along. Trace Mariam’s realisation about what her father is really like? What language and structural techniques have been used to present this?

15 Extended Learning Reading:
Read Chapter Extended Learning Reading: Read Chapter

16 A Thousand Splendid Suns - Rasheed
Objective: 1. Explore our first impressions of Rasheed 2. Explore the role of women

17 Rasheed What are your first impressions of Rasheed? Look at appearance and character. Does he fit the stereotype of Afghan men at the time? Why do you think Hosseini has chosen to present him this way?

18 What are Rasheed’s reasons for making Mariam wear a burqa and what do they tell us about his ideas about his role as a husband and man and his expectations for Mariam?

19 Timeline the Political Events…
These should show the political events and the year in which they are taking place These along the bottom should highlight what is happening in the character’s life.

20 Your allocated chapters… Look for the political events and trace what is happening in the lives of the characters. Chapters 1 -3 Chapters 4-6 Chapters 7-10

21 Reading chapters

22 Mariam’s Life and the Political State of Kabul
Objective: Explore the changes in Rasheed’s attitude towards Mariam and trace how the Political situation is changing in Kabul.

23 Essay Question ‘Explore the treatment Mariam endures at the hands of the men in her life’.

24 The ‘Real’ Rasheed… Page 82: Page 79:
What is the significance of the description of the snow here? Compare this with the description of the snow on the first bus ride. Page 79: What is Rasheed’s attitude towards having a boy? How does he behave? Pages: , 88, 92, What are your first impressions of Fariba? Look at previous chapters to provide an overall impression. Page 85: How does Rasheed behave with Mariam after she has lost the baby? Why does he do this?

25 Tracing Rasheed’s character
Rasheed takes Mariam out and buys her a gift and ice cream Rasheed engages intimately with Mariam We can see how the day out and the gifts were almost like a bribe where Rasheed was softening Mariam’s mood for his intentions later. Rasheed’s attitude in Ramadhan What Mariam discovers in Rasheed’s room Rasheed’s reaction to Mariam’s pregnancy Rasheed’s attitude after the miscarriage Rasheed’s violence at the end

26 We need to add to our Political Timeline….

27 Use the rest of the time to add to your ‘self selected vocabulary’ sheet. Also, add as many themes as you can to the ‘Tracing Themes’ worksheet.

28 Read chapters

29 Part 2 Fariba and Babi Objective:
Explore our first impressions of Fariba and Babi 2. Explore Tariq and Laila’s friendship

30 We need to add to our Political Timeline….

31 Spring 1987 – How many years have passed?
Fariba Babi What are your first impressions?

32 What changes do we see in Fariba from when she was first introduced in Part 1 when Mariam first arrived in Kabul? When Fariba is first introduced to us in Part 1, she is presented as….. We further learn that her husband is…….. and Rasheed disapproves of him, claiming…….. As Raheed discovers on Eid day in Part 1, that Fariba knows Mariam, he…. This is in stark contrast to the Fariba we are presented with in Part 2. She is now……..

33 Women and Education ‘Women have always had it hard in this country, Laila, but they’re probably more free now, under the communists, and have more rights than they’ve ever had before’. (BABI) In the late 20th century, prior to the rise of the Taliban, women in Afghanistan were making strides toward equality as they enjoyed the right of education and employment ( Kabul was the epicenter for women's advancement in Afghanistan prior to the Civil War and Taliban control" "50% of the students and 60% of the teachers at Kabul University were women, and 70% of school teachers, 50% of civilian government workers, and 40% of doctors in Kabul were women" (Feminist Majority Foundation). Context

34 The Role of Women How do the women at the funeral time behave with Fariba? What does their role seem to be? Support your points using textual evidence from the extract.

35 Tariq and Laila Why do you think Laila prefers spending time with Tariq’s family? EXT How would you describe Laila and Tariq’s relationship? What do you think they find from each other?

36 The Mujahideen come to power
Objective: 1. Explore who’s who in the political situation of Kabul 2. Trace Tariq and Laila’s developing friendship

37 Let’s add to our political situation timeline…
The Soviets sign a treaty saying they will leave Afghanistan within nine months April 1988 Laila and Tariq go to the cinema and this is the turning point where we see Laila’s feelings for Tariq. Jan 1989 Hasina leaves to get married. Mammy arises as a new woman. She has almost come back to life. She warns Laila of her nd Tariq’s relationship. Tariq declares his feelings for Laila. April 1992 Giti is killed. Tariq tells Laila he is leaving Kabul for Pakistan. Tariq and Laila make love. Laila’s family decide to leave Kabul too. June 1992

38 Describe at least three effects of the Mujahideen taking power in Kabul.

39 Compile a list of quotes to support each summary.
Blue Bombs- Compile a list of quotes to support each summary. Tariq and Laila The Kids are Getting Older Complete a summary of the following. Giti and Hasina Mammy talks to Laila about Tariq Tariq makes Laila jealous Tariq and Laila make love

40 Rasheed’s attitude towards Mariam and Laila
Part 3 Rasheed’s attitude towards Mariam and Laila Objective: Explore Rasheed’s differing attitudes and the reasons for this

41 How does Rasheed act differently now that Laila is in the house?

42 Trace Rasheed’s attitude towards Mariam and Laila
Chapters Rasheed’s attitude towards Mariam and Laila Mariam Laila 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

43 How is the reader made to feel towards Rasheed in these chapters?
You must use the following in your analysis: Embedded evidence Analysis of phrases Analysis of specific words used An alternative interpretation or viewpoint

44 Model Example: Rasheed’s ‘ performance’ whilst talking to Laila serves to heighten his manipulative character. Just as with Mariam, when they first married, he attempts ‘to impress’ and ‘to charm Laila in order to win her around to his side. When Rasheed tells Laila that he and Laila’s father would have discussions ‘about books (and) about politics’, as a reader we are made to see the devious side of Rasheed as we clearly remember him saying how Laila’s father ‘thought himself something of an intellectual’. Clearly evident here, is Rasheed’s calculating character. Furthermore, the use of the word ‘staged’ that Mariam uses to describe Rasheed’s performance with Laila reinforces this calculated move by Rasheed as we as readers know that Rasheed will take something or will want something from Laila later, and this is his way of charming her. Perhaps, Mariam when the realisation comes to her ‘like a blinding whack’ enables the reader to sympathise with her and really see the deceit, manipulation and mental abouse that Mariam has had to endure for years.

45 Model Example: Embedded evidence Rasheed’s ‘ performance’ whilst talking to Laila serves to heighten his manipulative character. Just as with Mariam, when they first married, he attempts ‘to impress’ and ‘to charm Laila in order to win her around to his side. When Rasheed tells Laila that he and Laila’s father would have discussions ‘about books (and) about politics’, as a reader we are made to see the devious side of Rasheed as we clearly remember him saying how Laila’s father ‘thought himself something of an intellectual’. Clearly evident here, is Rasheed’s calculating character. Furthermore, the use of the word ‘staged’ that Mariam uses to describe Rasheed’s performance with Laila reinforces this calculated move by Rasheed as we as readers know that Rasheed will take something or will want something from Laila later, and this is his way of charming her. Perhaps, Mariam when the realisation comes to her ‘like a blinding whack’ enables the reader to sympathise with her and really see the deceit, manipulation and mental abouse that Mariam has had to endure for years. Analysis of phrases Analysis of specific words used Alternative interpretation

46 Laila and Mariam Objective:
Explore the language used to describe Laila’s role in the house

47 Look at the imagery used to describe Laila
Look at the imagery used to describe Laila. What effect is created by using the highlighted words? In the daytime, the girl was no more than a creaking bedspring, a patter of footsteps overhead. She was water splashing in the bathroom, or a teaspoon clinking against glass in the bedroom upstairs. Occasionaly, there were sightings: a blur of billowing dress in the periphery of Mariam’s vision, scurrying up the steps, arms folded across the chest, sandals slapping the heels. The phrase insinuates that Laila was very rarely seen as she kept herself away in her room. Furthermore, it makes Laila appear as though she is a mysterious and rare object who can only be seen by some and even then, very occasionally.

48 Now, look at the specific words used by the writer
Now, look at the specific words used by the writer. What is suggested by these words? Why do you think the writer has chosen to use them? In the daytime, the girl was no more than a creaking bedspring, a patter of footsteps overhead. She was water splashing in the bathroom, or a teaspoon clinking against glass in the bedroom upstairs. Occasionaly, there were sightings: a blur of billowing dress in the periphery of Mariam’s vision, scurrying up the steps, arms folded across the chest, sandals slapping the heels. The use of the word ‘patter’ perhaps is used to reflect the idea that Laila is still only a child herself. Perhaps, through the word ‘patter’ it further reinforces Laila’s delicate, fragile, almost child like shyness.

49 What analogy does Rasheed use to compare Mariam and Laila
What analogy does Rasheed use to compare Mariam and Laila? Why do you think he does this?

50 Why does Laila ‘fall from grace’ in Rasheed’s eyes?

51 Compare how Laila is seen in Rasheed’s eyes.
Laila is ‘in’ with Rasheed Laila is ‘out’ of Rasheed’s favour Chapter 32 Chapter 33

52 Explore the how and why Mariam and Laila’s relationship develops
Maryam and Laila Objective: Explore the how and why Mariam and Laila’s relationship develops

53 Tracing Mariam and Laila’s relationship
Chapter Mariam and Laila’s relationship is… They …. 31 …difficult and strained. …are like strangers. Mariam refuses to be a servant to Laila and is clearly insecure about her own appearance and knows Rasheed married Laila because of her beauty. 32 33 34 35

54 Chapter What are your impressions of the events of these chapters?

55 Read up to the end of chapter 40
1. Trace Rasheed’s attitude as he questions Laila about her ‘friendship’ with Tariq? Why does he indirectly insult her? Is there something that Rasheed knows? 2. What does Laila notice in Mariam’s face (pg 223) Chapter 35 What is the update on the political situation in Kabul? What does Mariam gain from Aziza and Laila? Why does she feel that without them, her ife would be ‘unbearable’? Read up to the end of chapter 40

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